How Do You Play Chess

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School was getting harder and harder. I know I have to write to Lupin. He want him to find out everything but me. I sighed and took out a quill to start writing.

Hi Lupin,
A lot has happened that I need to tell you. It's bad and I need you to know. I lost my virginity to Fred and now he's with Angela. I feel like everything is going down hill. Ginny and Ron aren't really talking to Fred anymore. Ginny kicked him in the stomach. He said I played him. I left him at the ball to comfort Hermione. I can't stop falling asleep in class. Ginny jinxed a razor box so I'm under her eye. I wish I didn't put my name in the stupid goblet. Harry and I are practicing. Despite all this I hope you come to see me. Bring something for Harry. That's all.

As I was mailing the letter I heard the bell ding. I turned around to see Cedric.

"Hey Y/N. Are you doing okay?"He asked. I was so tired of lying so I just started talking. "The Prophet is just telling people I did it for attention and Fred's treating me really bad. I just wanted to help Hermione so I played him. It's just scary,"I admitted. I don't know why since we don't talk much but I needed to get it out.
"I've heard. Do you want to head down to the Hufflepuff common room? I'm practicing chess and it will get your mind off things,"He offered.
"I've never played chess,"I said.
"I'll teach you,"He offered. I smiled and followed him back to the castle.

The Hufflepuff room was filled with plants and a yellow sofas. It was warm and there were a few students just hanging out. The walls were colorful and there were shelves with random things like board games,books,quills,and even a few snacks.

"It's a nice place. I love it here,"I commented.
"I love it too. Let me grab the chess board. I'll be right back,"He told me. I sat on the sofa and waited.

We spent about two hours playing and eating. I won once after I got the hang of it. We went through about ten fruit snacks each. It was relaxing and kept my mind off all the bad things.

"I should go now. It was nice seeing you,"I said while grabbing my bag.
"I'll walk with you so you're safe. We don't want anyone harassing you anymore,"He told me. I nodded and we headed back to my common room. When I got there he hugged me before I headed in.

I thought about that for a while and was able to concentrate on school work. There was finally some piece of mind.

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