The Aftermath

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I let the words sink in. Some how everyone know I'm bisexual when I didn't even want my best friend to know.

"I haven't seen anyone say anything yet,"I tried to reason. "Maybe it'll be fine,"I said trying to convince myself.
"Y/N,look at the Slytherins. They were handing out flyers to others now,"She let me know gently.

I got myself together. I'm going to win and I'm going to show them who I am. I could feel my face burn.

"I'm going. I've come this far and I'm going to win,"I exclaimed confidently.
"Don't do anything stupid,"Hermione told me.
"No promises,"I shouted before going out.

The second I stepped out I could see people whispering as if I didn't know already. I held my head up and walked past ignoring the disgusted looks. They were huddled in groups gossiping. I gave them a wink and kept walking. I want to scream but I have to keep my cool.

"Y/N. Are you okay?"Harry asked catching up to me.
"I'm fine. At least now the attentions not on you,"I said casually.
"That's not the point Y/N/N,"He said frustrated.
"Let's just get to the common room. I'm tired and we need to practice,"I muttered wanting to end the conversation. He got the hint and we walked in the common room.

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now