Put Me Down

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"Y/N,wake up,"I heard Hermione say while shaking me violently. Her alarm is basically silent since she's a light sleeper.
"What time is it?"I muttered yawning.
"It's five am,"She said while trying to pull me out of bed. I pulled my blankets over my head only for her to snatch it away from me. When that didn't work Ginny came and I quickly sprung out of bed so I wouldn't literally be pulled out of bed by my ankles. "I'm up,"I said before grabbing my clothes to change.

I was still half asleep so I didn't notice the light was on. I opened the door only to see a shirtless Fred. I couldn't help but stare at him. His years of being a beater really made him toned. You could count the freckles on his back. His hair looked messy since he hadn't brushed it yet he pulled it off perfectly. I froze.

"Like what you see?"He asked turning around. I noticed the mirror in the background and silently cursed myself.
"You wish Weasley,"I sputtered out before closing the door. I could feel my heart racing.

I shut the door quickly and was saw Harry standing right by the door. "Have you ever tried talking to him?"He asked.
"I do talk to him. He's my best friend,"I told him. "You know what I mean Y/N,"He said. "I didn't know he was in there,"I reasoned. "You also didn't know that you were drooling,"He responded before heading back to Ron's room to change privately.

"See what I mean?"Ginny asked from behind me. She had literally come out of nowhere.
"No, I don't and why does everybody feel the need to give me a heart attack?"I asked. "Actions speak louder than words,"She told me completely ignoring the important question.
"I have to agree,"Hermione responded while also coming out of nowhere.
"Are you two done?"I asked annoyed.
"Are you done staring at my brother?"She asked.
"I'm changing in your room Ginevra,"I said before running for my life.

I changed quickly and once again gave up on taming my hair. Even if I did do it someone would mess it up.
"FIVE MINUTES BEFORE WELEAVE,"I heard Arthur shout from downstairs. In a hurry I headed downstairs and made it just as they were about to leave without me.

"Are you guys ready to walk?"Mr.Weasley asked enthusiastically. We groaned but started to follow him. I was still half asleep and nearly tripped over air only for Fred to catch me.
"Graceful yet again Love,"He said before putting me down.

I heard Hermione and Ginny giggle from behind me.

"Knock it off,"I whispered to them.
"It's obvious Y/N. He talks about you all the time. It's a perfect match,"She teased.
"Are you guys forgetting Harry and Ron?"I reminded them. It was their turn to scoff and turn red.

"What are you three whispering about?"Ron asked.
"It's girl talk,"Ginny told him.
"That's gross,"He replied.

The long was a lot longer than I thought it would be. We finally arrived and I could see Cedric jump out of a tree. Go off I guess. The man by him was most likely his dad. "We're here. Everyone meet Amos and Cedric,"Mr.Weasley introduced, confirming my suspicions.
"Hello. I'm-"
"-Y/N,"He finished. It was surprising he knew me but I'm not complaining. I can't lie and say he wasn't attractive. He still isn't my type though.

"Everyone grab on to the shoe,"Arthor told us. "Harry looked confused.
"Why?"He asked.
"Grab onto the portkey and let's go,"Cedric told us.

"The what?"Harry asked looking even more confused.
"It's a porkty and if you don't hang on it's going to leave you,"I yelled him before grabbing his hand.

It started spinning and I swear it was worse than floo powder. I've never had to do this before. I felt my stomach churn and just as I was about to puke it stopped and I fell to the ground.

Harry and I collided and he ended up landing on my ankle. I looked down to see it bruising already.

"Are you alright?"Cedric asked pulling me up.
"Yeah. It's probably just sprained,"I explained. I tried to walk on it only to fall right into Fred's arms.

"Twice in one day. You must be falling for me."He remarked making my face heat up. "Really Fredrick? That's your idea of flirting?"I asked.
"Seeing as your face is red I'd say it's working,"He said confidently. He flirts with every girl so I just brushed it off.

Without another word Fred picked me up bridal style and started walking with everyone else.

"Told you,"Hermione mouthed. I rolled my eyes as he continued to carry me.

He grabbed part of his sweater and rubbed it on my nose. I looked at him confused. "You had dirt on your nose,"He explained while still carrying me. I saw Ron turn bright red. Strange.

"We're here. Now how does muggle money work?"Mr.Weasley asked while bringing me back to reality. Harry helped him figure it out for a bit.
"We've got a lot of people from different places together. Must be worldwide,"The man replied.
After Harry finished helping we walked inside.

"Fred,you can put me down now?"I asked "Naw. I'm good,"He smirked.
"Fred Weasley. I'm fine,"I groaned. "I thought you'd still be enjoying the view,"He whispered before acting as if he was going to drop me before picking me up again.

"Fred, put her down,"Mr.Weasley told him. He gently put me down and I brushed off my shirt.

"All right. How do I work this?"Mr.Weasley asked pulling out the tent.
"Can you just use magic?"Ron asked.
"No Ron. Muggles do this all the time,"He said before continuing to put it up. I joined Hermione to help.
"Where did you learn to do that? You aren't muggle born,"Ron asked.
"Remus and I go camping all the time. Neither of us use magic for the whole time we're there,"I explained.
"Also rude,"Hermione added.

Suddenly I had an idea. It's obvious Hermione and Ron will end up together so I'm going to push the limits. "I have to go. Ron will help,"I said before walking away. "Same,"Fred responded before following me.
"What's the real reason for this?"He asked. "I'm playing matchmaker,"I explained. "Good thinking Y/N/N,"He told me.

After a while, I really wish I had brought my gloves though. Luckily, I found a stand selling things like that. "You forgot gloves didn't you?"He asked. I played dumb but he could see right through me. He asked me to give me my hand. I was confused but did so. He took off a single glove and put on eon my hand. Then, he grabbed my other hand and held it.

"I've been looking for you two. Come on,"George interrupted. We did so while still holding hands.

"There you are. Are you going inside or not?"George asked. I looked at the tent and was confused. "How will we all fit?"I asked. "You've never had a nonmagical tent have you?"the twins asked. I was confused but went in anyways. It wasn't a regular tent. It was huge with beds,lights,etc.

The twins instantly sat by each other and put their feet on the counter. "Feet off the table,"Mr.Weasley told the twins.
"Feet off the table,"They said in synch. When Mr.Weasley looked away they put them back on

"I call top bunk,"I shouted rushing to pick my blanket on it. It was a y/f/c with ducks on it. Remus got it for me after the first time one attacked me.

"Are you coming Y/N?"Ginny asked.
"Coming where?"I asked confused.
"To look around of course,"She remarked in a duh tone.

I got up and grabbed my War Heads. I like giving them to people who don't know what they are. It's hysterical and doesn't hurt people.

"Hurry up,"She shouted.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT,"She yelled back annoyed as I ran out to join them with the single glove on my hand.

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now