The Life Ruining Cup

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Today was the day champions would be picked. I really hoped it would be me. It could help a lot in my house since Remus struggles to find a job because of his "condition."The fame would suck though. I need privacy and I don't want everyone to know my business. You have to take the good with the bad.

"Now for the moment we've all been waiting for. The champions are here,"Dumbldore said as we all cheered. My fingers were crossed.

"Now for the first school is Durmstrang,"He told us. The cup had blue flames before a piece of parchment was spit out. It flew into Dumbledores hand. Unsurprisingly it was Victor Krum. I could hear grunts from the others at his school.

"The next school is Beauxbatons. Let us see,"He told us. The cup had blue fire and once again a piece of parchment was spit out directly into Dumbledores hand.
"Fleur Delacore,"He announced. A blond girl excitedly got up and you could hear some of the other girls start crying.
"Now for Hogwarts champion,"He declared. I was tapping my foot anxiously. I want it to be me. Please let it be me.
"Y/N L/N,"He shouted. I was in shock and Ron pushed me to the front as people cheered.

Just as I was shaking Dumbldores hand the goblet glowed red this time before spitting out another name.

"HARRY POTTER,"He screamed. I felt my heart drop. He didn't do this.

There were no cheers or clapping. There was no congratulations. Just dead silence. I could see Harry's eyes full of terror.
Hermione pushed him up and he gulped. He was walking slow. The second we were all in the champions room he was he was pushed against the wall by Dumbledore.

"DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE?"Dumbldore screamed as Harry's face went pale.

"He didn't. Harry doesn't want that. He's smarter than that,"I objected.
"Did you help then?"Krum asked.
"No because he didn't enter,"I snapped.
"Why does he get to go?"Fleur asked.
"He isn't. Help me out here,"I begged.
"Harry has to. It's never not been followed,"The minister told us. I wanted to spit in their faces.

Harry was still against the wall as he was screamed at again.

"No it wasn't me. There was no part,"He said.
"Let him go now,"I demanded.
"Maybe Dumbledore had the girl do this. Hogwarts gets two champions,"A giant french lady remarked.
"Do not blame Dumbledore. Potter has been crossing lines since he got here and L/N plays innocent,"Snape said in that cold voice. I want to rip his vocal chords out. I chose to ignore him to get to the important thing.

"Can't he just not compete? There's got to be something that can be done,"I begged. Everyone turned to look at the minister. "The rules have never been broken. I'm afraid he must compete,"He said.
"Thanks for nothing,"I snarled before pulling Harry out of there.

"Do you think the others will know I didn't?"He asked.
"Honestly no. This school has a tendency to flip any time you're right,"I said.
"Will my friends believe me then?"He asked.
"Of course. They know you. That's not you,"I reassured him.
We walked into the common room and were met with cheers and celebrations. Every time Harry spoke they ignored him.

I finally got their attention by standing on the sofa.
"Harry didn't do it. Anyone who knows him will tell you that,"I tried to reason.

"YOU HELPED HIM,"Ron shouted as everyone nodded even Fred. Everyone was going off at me.

I tried to leave but someone grabbed my hand.

"Why didn't you help us?"Fred asked.
"Because I didn't do this,"I snapped.
"Who are you anymore? I don't understand,"He said.
"You're one to talk. I have one secret and you flip out because I wasn't ready. Now you don't believe me. Some friend you are,"I screamed. At this point everyone was looking at us.
"Well I guess we're not friends anymore,"He said sadly.

"Play the victim again,"I said coldly before running up to my dorm. I was so frustrated. How could he do this to me? I know I haven't been perfect but not telling him I like girls ruined our friendship.

I grabbed a book off my bed and threw it against the wall. I collapsed on my knees and just cried. I should have never put my name in that stupid cup. That's all it is. A stupid, life ruining cup.

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now