Harry Now Knows

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I kept trying to talk to Fred but it wasn't working. When he saw me in the halls he headed the other direction even if he had a class that way. He started sitting as far as way as possible from me in classes. Hermione questioned me about it, and I lied because I knew she'd feel bad. Unfortunately, she is the brightest witch of her age.

"You shouldn't have come Y/N. You should have looked out for yourself,"She told me. "My friends come first. No one else was helping and I'll be damned if I let you hurt when you've been looking out for me all year,"I tried to reason.
"You don't think about how you feel. You defended Harry knowing you'd get backlashed, and it caused you so much stress that you relapsed,"She mentioned a little bit louder than needed. The library was almost empty, but I covered her mouth as she realized what she said.

"So the paper was true? I thought it was a lie,"I heard Harry ask. I turned and his face was pale. "What does she mean Y/N? Tell me it was a lie. Tell me you didn't do this,"He begged.
"You already know the answer,"I muttered. "I could have helped you. You've done so much and I failed you,"He said.
"It's nothing new. The only reason she and Ginny knew was because we were dress shopping. I didn't want you to worry,"I explained.
"Why though?"He asked.

I took a breath as Hermione put a hand on my shoulder, and told him I didn't have to explain. I sighed before telling him the same thing I did to everyone else. It's better they knew the real story.

There was dead silence until Harry wrapped his arms around me. "You've helped me through this all and I'm going to help you. There are so many times I've felt weak and you picked up the pieces. Now let me help you,"He said. They both consoled me until I was ready to go to dinner.
"Let's get you cleaned up,"

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now