The Death Eaters Attack

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We really didn't do much but it was still fun. There were so many people and everyone was just enjoying life. My ankle was still sore so I spent a lot of time getting piggy back rides on Fred's back earning snickers from George and Ginny. I didn't even need it but, every time I slowed down he would lift me up like it was nothing. Either Fred didn't notice or didn't care. He can be quite daft sometimes.

After around two hours I went to get everyone Butterbeers.

I approached the concession stand to buy us Butterbeers. I handed him the six Galleons but I only had enough for three. I shrugged it off and headed back to the group. They thanked me as George and Ginny gulped them. "Where's yours?"Fred asked.
"I already drank it,"I lied.
"You my dear Y/N, are a terrible liar. Here,"He responded pulling out two straws. As he handed me one it fell on the ground. "We can share. I really don't care,"He offered. It was getting hot so we just sat there and drank it.
"That's my Freddie,"George said before gasping dramatically.
"She's going to be the lucky bride,"Ginny commented making Fred choke on his Butterbeer.

Let's focus on the important thing here. Who is going to win the game?"I asked taking taking the spotlight of us.
"Okay, here us out. Krum will catch the snitch but the Irish will win,"The twins said in synch.

"Would you like to bet on it?"We heard a voice from behind us say. We turned around to see Ludo Bagman, Percy, and the minister. The person talking was Ludo Bagman.
"Okay. 6 knuts,4 sickles,and 12 galleons,"George offered.
"Along with a fake wand,"Fred threw in.
"Don't show them such pathetic things,"Percy said in a hushed voice.

"I think they're quite good Weatherbe. Well,we best be off,"He told us before turning around.
"Bye Weatherbe,"I shouted in an innocent voice.
He didn't look back but I could see the red on his neck. We all snickered and the twins wolf whistled.

"We have to go,"Ginny proclaimed suddenly. I groaned and we all got up to walk back to the tent.

"Where were you all? Nevermind, you're here now. Come on,"Mr.Weasley let us know before pushing us along. We made our way through the crowds. I was pretty excited to be so high up.

"How high up are we?"Ron asked.
"Let's just say If it rains you'll be the first to know,"We heard a cold voice say.

"Hey Lucy. How are you, you wonderful soul?"I declared sarcastically. I saw him glance at Hermione and I protectively stood in front of her. He ignored me as was busy having a stare off with Mr.Weasley. Harry and Draco also had an intense stare off. If you were a stranger you might mistake it for sexual tension.

"Well then,enjoy it while you can. We all know this won't be long,"He hinted creepily. It gave me chills down my spine.

"Let's go then,"Hermione chimed in awkwardly as we followed her up the stairs.

"This is pretty cool,"Harry said before taking his seat between Ron and Hermione. "Cool? Try mind blowing!"I shouted. I was on the edge next to Fred so I accidentally yelled in his ear.
"I don't like your voice that much,"He joked. "It's not nice to lie Freddie," I responded him.
"Stop flirting and pay attention,"George lectured waving his hands in front of our faces.

"Every person here, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup,"The announcer shouted. We all went wild and screamed our teams name as loud as we could.

"I can't hear you,"He shouted again. At this it was five times as loud.

"Now welcoming the starting shows,"He announced before the field lit up.

In an instant there were beautiful girls spinning around in a dance. It was intoxicating. I saw the boys looking like they were in a trance. I did notice that Mr.Weasley seemed unaffected along with Fred. They just watched them like you would every show while Ron and was ready to jump off the bleachers.

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