Hidden Away

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Breakfast was insane to say the least. I was never official with Cedric, but I'm not official with Fred. I don't know what's going on or what anyone's thinking. All I can do is be grateful the whispers have died down. After the tournament they should be gone for good...I hope.

I was trying to think of what to do when an owl dropped a letter on my lap. I looked at the name and saw it was Remus. I needed to take a breath before opening it.

Dear Y/N,
I'm so glad you told me about everything going on. Poppy said you're still clean, and I'm so proud of you. We've got a long road ahead, but I know you'll make it. I also know you're beating yourself up about everything right now. It's not your fault. None of what happened ever has been. I hope you learn to forgive yourself. As for the tournament I'll be in the front row. I'm sorry I missed the first two. You are a priority in my life. My main one at that even if it doesn't always seem like it. You make every day so much better for everybody. I'm bringing a gift for you and Harry since you insisted. I love you Y/N

P.S The ducks look lonely without someone to terrorize

I felt a big stupid grin appear on my face. He was coming to support me and Harry. I couldn't wait that long. I just want to get through this tournament.

"Hello Y/N,"I heard Cedric say. I felt mysef freeze. After everything that happened with Fred this would be leading him on, and I can't do that to him.

"Hey Cedric. Can I talk to you,alone?"
He looked concerned and followed me out of the Great Hall.
"Look Cedric, You're a great guy. It's just that I don't see us together. I'm really sorry for leading you on, but my heart belongs to someone else."
We stood in awkward silence for a minute

"I understand Y/N. The heart wants what it wants. I hope we can still be friends though."
I took his hand and nodded. "I'd love that Cedric,"I whispered.

"Thank you Y/N. You're an amazing girl. Good luck in the tournament tomorrow." He walked off with his head still held high. I know I did the right thing, and I'm hoping he lives a long and happy life.
As for me I have a tournament to not die in tomorrow.

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now