The Party

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The party was in full swing. Everyone was cheering and dancing. It seemed like everything was normal again. Harry held up the egg as I sat in the corner taking in what just happened. I also hope I get my wand back somehow.

"OPEN IT ALREADY,"Ron shouted.
Everyone was chanting Harrys name.
He pulled out the egg and opened it.

It produced a loud banshee like scream. He quickly closed it as everyone looked around in confusion.

"What was that?"I heard Fred ask.
I turned around to see he was indeed behind me.
I shuffled my feet awkwardly. There was no way I would talk to him. I tried to sneak away but he had already seen me.

"Y/N,can we talk?"He asked.
"About what Weasley,"I answered trying not to cry and slap him at that moment.

"Please,"He whispered. Hearing Fred Weasley say a single word had a weird affect on me. He always had so much to say and now he could only say one word.

I put my head down and wiped a tear from my face. Out of everything this is what makes me cry in public. You could hear louder screams that I wanted to block out.

"Let's head up love,"He said. He picked me up bridal style and looked at me with such loving yet hurt eyes. I didn't want to hear any more noise so I buried my head in his chest. He took me up the stairs and then I was in his dorm. He still hadn't let me go until I was on his bed. There was silence.

"I'm sorry,"I said with more tears falling down. He gently turned my head so I was looking at him. He wiped the tears from my cheeks.
"I really messed up and I never want you to loose you again. I never want to fight with you. I never want to let you go Y/N. I'm sorry,"He told me.
"There was a lot going on. Everyone was on edge and I was just so mad at everyone,"I said trying not to cry even more.
"Y/N so much went on with you. The last thing you needed was me accusing you of something that didn't matter in the first place,"He assured me.

He tilted my jaw so I was looking at him. I saw him glance at my lips and I did the same. Our faces were closer and I could his breath. His fingers were in my hair.

"I'm so sorry. I'll, I can leave,"We heard Neville say.
"Nothing happened. It was just a um,"I heard Fred say. "Yeah,we were just talking,"I added.
"I won't say anything but just so you know, I wish I had what you two did,"He said before heading to the bathroom.

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now