The First Task

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Today was the day of the first task. I was incredibly nervous and pumped up at the same time. I had been hanging pictures of people I hate so I could hex them. It's effective to say the leas.t

"You ready for this Y/N/N?"Harry asked.
"I was born ready little bro,"I told him messing up his hair.
"I'm scared. I didn't sign up for this,"He stated nervously.
"I know little dude but you're going to do awesome. Just stay calm,"I advised him before walking back towards the others.

As we were waiting we saw two people come in. I knew Hermione would come. I didn't expect that Claire to though.

"How did you get here?"I asked. "I followed her,"She explained in her thick french accent. I looked at the ground not knowing what to say. There was an uncomfortable silence before she tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. "I'm sorry Y/N,"She whispered. "Sorry for what?"I asked. "I'm still coming to terms with my sexuality. I'm not sure what I am and I don't want to hurt you in the process. I hope you understand,"She said. "I understand Claire. I hope you figure it out,"I told her. "Thank you Y/N,"She whispered before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. I watched her leave the tent. It was a truly bittersweet moment.

All of a sudden I saw a flash. I turned around to see Rita taking a picture of Hermione and Harry hugging.

"Go away you twat. You and your lies need to leave now,"I demanded. "I'm simply doing my job,"She said in a fake sweet voice. "Neither of you are welcome here,"I heard Karkaoff yell. Hermione bolted out of there.
"No matter. I got what I wanted,"Rita Skeeter smirked before going off.

"You two are needed,"He told us as we followed him to be with the other contestants.

'There you are. We've been looking for you two. Get over here,"Crouch told us. We looked at each other and followed him.

"Now today you will be fighting dragons. Reach your hand in the bag and pull one out that you have to fight. Your goal is to get the golden egg. Now grab yours,"He said getting right to the point.

I reached in first and pulled put a big purple and black one. It had spikes on its tail. Everyone had theirs in their hand. I don't know the names of them but I do know Harry got the worst. He's oh so lucky.

"Go on Mr.Krum,"Crouch said patting his back.
We waited for him to come back. Then we waited for Fluer to come back. It seemed like weeks even though its only been half an hour. I could feel my body shaking. I had been practicing wand movements and pronouncing spells to calm myself.

"You've got this Y/N. We both do,"Harry blurted out to me. "Show them who's boss. Just do worse than me,"I joke
"At your level that's impossible ,"He clapped back. "Glad to see you've learned from me,"I replied while he rolled his eyes.

"Mr.Potter you're next,"Crouch told him smiling.
"Good luck Harold,"I shouted before taking a huge breath. He'll be okay. It just sucks that he's been through so much.

I could hear the crowd cheering. There were so many voices which means he's either doing really good or really bad.

After a long time of me overthinking Harry was rushed in and I was pushed out. I could see the crowd going crazy. I kept my cool and looked at the dragon. She was a pretty dragon and she was asleep.

I dashed over as the dragon woke up. She attempted to blow fire at me but I pulled out my wand and cast a shield to block it. She slammed her tail on the ground next to me. I blocked out the noise and stood up. The dragon roared and clawed at the rock I was under. The golden egg was in my sight.

I have one chance. If I get hurt I get hurt. I signed up for this. I thought about the riches as I pushed forward. I thought about showing that I'm not broken. I though about what I'm fighting for. I will do this and I will win. After that inner peptalk I went back in.

I stepped out of the rock and stared at her. The dragon got eye level and snarled. Just as this happened I went left and was riding along her back. She flew up against the air and I tripped nearly falling off. I grabbed the spikes and jumped right into the nest. I grabbed the egg and I reached for my wand only to see it snapped in half. The dragon was approaching. In a last effort I pushed the real eggs toward her and she snuggled up to them. I ran jumping over rocks and made it back.

"Well done everyone. Go get yourself cleaned up,"Crouch said. I nodded and headed towards where he pointed. They started checking for injuries. The score was up.

It was Harry,Me,Victor, and Fluer. I got second.

"HE WON. HE WON YOU BASTARDS," I shouted. McGonagall told me to stop but I swear I saw her wink.

"PARTY IN THE COMMON ROOM,"Someone shouted. We all rushed to party ignoring any potential injury's because we didn't die.

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