The Kitchen

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We were taking the secret passages to make it to the kitchens without being caught. We sid have a few close run in's though. Finally, we made it to the painting. Fred reached to tickle the pear and I slapped his hand away.

"I'm doing it,"I said as he rubbed his hand. "Kiss it better Y/N/N,"He said in a baby voice. I took his hand and did surprising him. The tips of his ears were red. I tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach as I tickled the pear. The portrait opened and we walked into the kitchen. Instantly the elves started running towards us with food. There were fries,ham,turkey,butterbeer, and even ice cream. As Fred and I were debating whether Cookie Dough or Vanilla ice cream was better my egg fell in the running sink. I was about to pull it out until I heard a voice. I stuck my head in the water I heard singing.

"Come seek us where our voices sound
We cannot sing above the ground
An hour you'll have to look
To recover what we took."

I pulled my head above water and took a breath.

"Are you okay?"What happened?"Fred asked.
"I know what my next task is! I have to tell Harry tomorrow,"I exclaimed excited. He hugged me in excitement and spun me around.
"What is it?"He asked.
"I've got to find something in the lake in one hour,"I explained.
"What do you think it is?"He asked. 
"I don't know. I love surprises,"I said.

"More Butterbeer,"An elf offered.
"Just one more. I've go to find time to go dress shopping with Ginny and Hermione for the ball. After all there is a Hogsmade date tomorrow,"I told the elf.
"You're going to that?"He asked.
"I have to. I've got to do the first dance,"I told him.

He went quiet before asking who I was going with. "I don't know yet. I do need a dance partner,"I said. He got quiet and sipped some more butterbeer.

"Are you okay? You went quiet,"I asked. "Yeah, I was just wondering if you want to go to the ball? You know as friends?"He asked.
"Yeah, as friends,"I agreed.

We drank some more butterbeer before leaving.

"Thanks for that Freddie,"I told him as we made it to the common room.
"No problem Love. I'll see you later,"He said before we parted was to our dorms.

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now