I Regret It

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The last test was coming up and I was getting nervous. I couldn't stomach much. The others felt so much pity they stayed away. I wish someone would look me in the face or try to hurt me. I can't feel anything anymore.

I was heading to the dorm to help Harry only to see Fred kissing Angelina. I know it's him from the longer hair. I gave him a piece of me and he crrushed it. Without a word I headed to my dorm. Harry can wait.

I felt dirty and gross for giving it up to someone who doesn't care. Someone who doesn't love me. I scrubbed my skin over and over to get rid of the thought of him. The thought of that made me want to puke. The shower was running. I tried to look for a razor but someone hid them. I checked the shower and there wasn't a thing. Then I saw a small locked box. Hermione hid them but not good enough. I tried to open it with anything but it wouldn't budge. Then there was a blinking red light with a small humming nose.

I'm so fucked.

"Y/N,OPEN THE DAMN DOOR,"Hermione screamed. I grabbed a towel and unlocked it. "Get dressed then you know we need to talk,"She demanded before throwing pajamas at me. I took a couple breaths before finally leaving my bathroom.

She was a bit calmer and I saw Ginny was next to her. They had made a spot on my bed for us to sit. It was silent for a bit before I started talking.

"Fred's with another girl,"I deadpanned. She looked a bit shocked before starting to talk again.
"If he can't see how fantastic you are he's daft. You're the sweetest peron I know,not to mention how pretty you are. You stand by people and see the good in people. It's just hard to see the bad,"She tried to comfort me.

"I gave it all to him,"I sobbed.
"What do you mean?"She asked. I looked at her and she knew. Her nostrils flared.

"No one hurts my friend like that. Especially after all he's already put you through. I'm going to murder him,"Ginny screamed before stomping downstairs without a wand. This is going to be ugly.

Fred was still making out with her and this time she was on his lap. Ginny tossed the girl on the side and somehow pulled him off the couch. He stumbled a bit before she kicked his stomach. "Bloody hell,what is happening?"Ron shouted. At this point she was off him.

"Why'd you do that?"Ron repeated.
"He deserved it for what he did to Y/N. He used her and left her when he had what he wanted. I'd rather have Y/N as a sister than you as a brother,"She insulted.

Harry face turned red and Ron's jaw dropped. Eventually George came in with Lee and George ran to his side. "Ginny, that's our brother,"George remarked. Fred had gotten up now.
"She played me,"He said. Ginny kicked him in the shin.
"She helped Hermione. You're mad because, she left a dance since she's such a good friend. I wish you were even half as good as her,"She screamed.

Fred got a look of regret when he saw my tear stricken face. I didn't say a word. I just walked up the stairs to sleep everything off as if it'll be better in the morning.

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now