Going Back To Where It Began

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I only had one week before the task. I was burnt out and couldn't sleep. After a while I just got up and threw on a sweater and socks. My slippers were by Hermiones bed and she is a light sleeper. I left my wand because I'm just going around the castle.

About an hour into my walk I found myself going up the stairs of the Astronomy Tower. As much as that hurt to be in it reminded me of a time where everything was okay. A place where I was able to smile. A place where I could lie on my back and fall asleep to the glow of the stars. A place where I wasn't alone. I sat by the edge and just watched them. I found the constellations.

I felt a single tear run down my cheek but, I didn't bother to wipe it off. The fact that I could still feel anything at all comforted me.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and quickly moved to a window with space to stand on. Then, I heard a voice. It was Fred's voice.

"I don't know why I did that to Y/N. Every time I come her I pray she would be here. What would I say though?  Hey Y/N, sorry for being a bastard and making you feel like shit because I was scared to hurt you. I only treated you like dirt because I didn't think I was good enough.

Ever since third year when she glued confetti to the ceiling in detention because she felt like it, I fell head over heels for her. I still have that one ring in a box. It's her favorite color to.

"I miss the smell of her perfume she says she doesn't wear. I miss her fluffy hair. I miss the way she would draw random things on my textbook becuase I was asleep in class. I miss the way she would eat sour candy with no face and give it to random people. I miss the way she would put people in check. I miss her,"He whispered.

As he was about to leave I knocked on the wall making him look behind him. He looked confused until I knocked again. I could hear him walk towards me and looked at me before helping me get on the Astronomy Tower. We both know I could do it on my own.

There was silence as I sat next to him. He wiped my tears off my face before running his fingers through my hair. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Y/N,can I kiss you?"He asked. I looked at him and he cupped both my cheeks before lightly connecting our lips. It wasn't rushed or rough. It was soft and gentle. He just held me and gently started humming until I fell asleep.

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now