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"We're all here now, Nighteye, let's get started," Ryukyu turned to the hero who was stood at the end of the room, and we all turned to face him. I downed the coffee in my hand and then burned up the cup.

"Thanks to the information provided by all of you, our investigation has progressed substantially," Sir Nighteye started his walk down the length of the room as he spoke, "we've invited you all here for a joint conference to share with you all the details acquired regarding the Yakuza group, Shie Hassaikai, and what we believe that they might be planning."

"Hold on, I feel like I'm missing something important here," Kirishima looked at Fatgum confused, "Shie-the-what-now?"

"Of course you will be," I glanced over to them, "but listen and you'll catch up real quick."

Kirishima nodded as Fatgum looked down at the red head.

"Trust me, the two of you are very much involved," he told him.

"Let's move into the conference room," Nighteye gestured to the double doors to the side of the room, and we all went through them, all taking seats around a rectangle inspired layout of tables.

"Alright," Bubble Girl spoke up once everyone was settled, "let's begin at the beginning."

She pulled out a tablet and began to give us the brief, "for the past couple of weeks now, those of us at Nighteye agency have been conducting an investigation into Shie Hassaikai, a small but organised group of criminals."

"What prompted this?" a hero somewhere a little further down from me asked.

"An accident involving a gang of thieves called the Reservoir Dogs," she answered.

I've heard that name twice now and it still sounds absolutely astounding in a not-so-great way. Who seriously chose that name of all names as their gang name?

"The police thought the whole thing was an accident," Bubble Girl continued, "but there were a number of details that didn't add up. So we began tailing them."

"And with my capacity as a Nighteye agency sidekick, I began following leads to see what I could uncover," Centipeder, the other sidekick of Nighteye's who was her continued on, "I found that in the past year, the members of Shie Hassaikai have increased contact with those outside of their organisation. Including those who's business dealings are less than reputable."

The League.

"Their aim seems to be expanding their organisation," he continued, "and enriching it's funds. Shortly after our investigation began, they made contact with a member of the League of Villains. A fact brought to our attention by the Fenniksu Agency a couple weeks ago and has been closely monitored by them through the CCTV around their patrolling area."

The screen behind them showed a capture from a phone of some kind. Not one from the CCTV we'd been sending them.

"It was Jin Bubaigawara, villain name: Twice," Centipeder continued, "they were wary of being tailed so I was unable to follow them. However, through CCTV monitoring we located a location where we were able to confirm that there was an altercation between the two groups."

"That'll be around when they reached out to Tsukauchi and me," the old man from back at the summer camp rescue who I now know is called, Gran Torino, a hero who apparently was once a teacher at UA and who in fact taught All Might himself. Interesting to think I'd never heard of the guy before this year, "figured we'd be able to assist considering the League's involvement."

"Where is Tsukauchi?" the hero beside him, Kesagiri Man, asked.

"Follow ups with some other eyewitnesses," the old man answered, "you know, cop stuff. Sorry, kid, I didn't see something like this coming."

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