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That same night_

I rushed through the doors of the hospital and glanced around before rushing towards the front desk, "I'm here for Tamaki Amajiki? Uh—should be here with Fatgum? Hero name is Suneater?"

"Yes, I know him. He's in room 14," the nurse told me.

"Thank you," I nodded to her before rushing towards the room. I burst in to see Tamaki sat with Fatgum and Kirishima, "Tamaki! Are you ok?! What happened?! Why're you in the hospital?!"

Last week, Uraraka and Asui, Kirishima, and Midoriya all started working with Nejire, Tamaki and Mirio respectively with the heroes they're on work study with so seeing Kirishima here wasn't strange. What was strange was that Tamaki was in the hospital. As the patient!

"You don't look hurt," I glanced him over and I reached him, "what happened?"

"It's ok, Saisei," Fatgum placed a hand on my shoulder, and I glanced up at him, "for now we're just monitoring him."

"Well what happened?! That explains nothing, sir. Respectfully," I exclaimed before catching myself from sounding too rude.

I'm just a bit panicked. Obviously, this isn't the first time Tamaki's been hurt. But he's never been the patient when we do hospital trips before.

"Calm down, Saisei. Take a seat, here," Fatgum pulled a stool over and patted it. I took a breath before dropping down and crossing my arms with a crown, "ok. Calmer?"

"Enough," I nodded.

"That's good enough for me," he answered before glancing to Tamaki, "we encountered villains on the street. Suneater got shot."

"Shot?!" I exclaimed, "shot?! What do you mean shot?!"

"Mikhail—" Tamaki looked at me with a small frown and I sighed.

"Right. Calm," I nodded, sitting back down, not even noticing that I'd stood in my moment of shock. I took a breath and nodded, "ok. I'm calm. I'll keep myself calm. Promise."

Fatgum gave me that one look and I just smiled, "really. Promise."

"Ok..." he nodded before gesturing to Tamaki, "there was something in the bullet. Some kind of drug that's blocked Suneater's quirk."

"Blocked?" I frowned before pausing.

Blocked... Dad fired up but suddenly stopped. A drug that blocked the quirk?

No way—

"Mikhail?" Tamaki reached forward and grabbed me, I pulled back and stared at him for a moment before looking to Fatgum.

"Do you know where it's from?" I asked, "the drug?"

"For now, we don't know," he shook his head, "we're investigating. Why?"

"Unfortunately it's confidential," I stood, the frown stuck on my face before looking over at Tamaki, "I'm sorry. I want to stay but I need to return to the agency. I've learnt something important here. I'll have to rush off. Send me a message when you get back to the dorm and if your quirk comes back. Message me. I'll come straight over once I'm free."

"Ok..." he frowned as I turned and started towards the door. I paused and glanced back.

"Sorry for rushing in like a bull," I bowed to them before hurrying out and heading straight towards Fenniksu's agency.

"Blaze, sir!" I called out to them as I rushed into the shared office he had with my Dad. He looked up at me from the paperwork in front of him. Looks like accident reports. Probably from the attack this morning.

"What is it?" he asked, standing as he noticed my expression.

"I think I know what happened to my Dad. Or at least—part of it," I told him.

"Ok. Explain. Clearly," he nodded to me.

And so I did. I explained the events of what happened to Tamaki and then compared it to the clear signs of my Dad's quirk somehow being stopped.

"It... definitely could be plausible," Blaze hummed as he mulled it over, "alright. I'll disclose the situation with Fatgum as well and make sure that we are involved in this investigation. I'll be in touch. For now, I think it may be safer for you if you don't return until I call you for 'ordinary' hours."

"Understood," I nodded.

"Keep your phone on you," he told me, "make sure I can reach you at all times. I'll make sure to update you on everything as I learn it. Consider this as your introduction to becoming a right hand. Until your Dad returns, I'm in charge and so, I have chosen you to be my right hand."

"I understand, sir, thank you for involving me in this," I bowed to him, "I will work as hard as I can. I won't make you regret this."

"I'm sure you won't," he nodded, "now return to UA. I have calls to make."

I nodded and excused myself before hurrying back.

The only thing on my mind was... this drug, the Shie Hassaikai, my Dad's kidnapping, the League of Villains. How is all this tied together?

No. It doesn't matter, not right now.

I have to focus, steel myself.

Chaos is coming and I must be prepared to face it.

A couple days later_

Not much happened over the past couple of days.

I wasn't in UA much.

After Blaze had explained the situation to Fatgum, he was invited to a bunch of meetings with investigators and heroes and as the acting right hand to him, I was brought along too. It was boring but learning everything I had... a lot was happening, and it all seemed to be centred around the Shie Hassaikai, it's leader, Kai Chisaki or Overhaul, and a young girl that according to the reports, Mirio and Midoriya had come across while on their own patrol earlier in the week.

And now, the final meeting is occurring. A plan has been formed and now we're bringing in outside heroes into the fray.

"This is going to be a pretty big raid," Blaze said ass he joined me leaning against the wall in the room and passed me a coffee, he blew on his before taking a sip, "it's been a while since such a large raid has occurred. Even saving you kids back in the summer break for the UA students wasn't as big as this. We've got to be prepared for a lot of craziness."

"Yeah," I nodded as the last of the group entered the room. The rest of the big four and the first years who'd been working with them, "what're they doing here?"

Blaze glanced over to the students and frowned, "good question. They're first years. I remember seeing them on TV and in the news. This is no place for them."

Tamaki's quirk had come back after a little bit. He sent me a message about it but because of the chaos I'd suddenly been dragged into, I couldn't really go check on him. I'm starting to wonder if perhaps just being friends may be the easiest option for the both of us at this point. We barely act like we're dating. There's been no change and we don't have time for each other. I like him. But not enough to keep doing this.

I caught the gazes of my friends before a hero crossed in between us and stopped to talk to me and Blaze. It looks like everyone's just as confused. All staring at the students or muttering in confusion.

"We're all here now, Nighteye, let's get started," Ryukyu turned to the hero who was stood at the end of the room, and we all turned to face him. I downed the coffee in my hand and then burned up the cup.

"Thanks to the information provided by all of you, our investigation has progressed substantially," Sir Nighteye started his walk down the length of the room as he spoke, "we've invited you all here for a joint conference to share with you all the details acquired regarding the Yakuza group, Shie Hassaikai."

Here we go.

The meeting is finally beginning.

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