World explanation

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Today, humans are not the only most intelligent species in this world. Except for them, there exist a species of people, that are capable of changing their form from a normal human's to a beast-like humanoid creature - the beastmen. Their intelligence level is same as that of a humans, but they also posses many other traits - in their beast form their senses of scent, sight and hearing are hightened, and their strength, speed and stamina are far more superior than that of a humans. There are 4 types of beastmen: wolf beastmen, sheep beastmen, bear beastmen and tiger beastmen.

Humans and beastmen used to coexist in harmony with each other. But because of beasts' upper traits and their appearance, humans started to fear them. This caused many conflicts, which were caused by humans' fears, jealousy and judgemental opinions about beastmen. Because of this, beastmen were ostracized, bullied and with the time flow - even hunted down to "protect humans from ferocious beasts driven by their animalistic instincts, vengeance and malice".

Today beastmen are hiding their true species' identity and thanks to that manage to live alongside humans and coexist with them on a daily basis. Beastmen's population has decrased drastically in first years of them being hunted down, but when the mass hunt has come to a halt, they slowly but steadily started to grow in numbers from shadows. Of course, they wouldn't willingly expose themselves to the world because humans still were able to find some and either kill them or send them somewhere, where no one ever heard from them again.

Of course there were some people, who helped beastmen regardless of their public opinion. Unfortunately those caught helping beastmen were punished by few year prison sentence, paying a fine or being publicly revealed as a "traitor" to those around them.

Because of all this, beastmen feared revealing themselves and often got agitated by all the bullying and insults. This ended up with them attacking those who hurt them, and this made the conflict stronger, since people feared them even more.

Beastmen started to feel sad, depressed and/or furious since humans fixated on them and called them such names as killers, thiefs, murderers and rapists, even though they also weren't saints. This made some people go to such lenghts, as start some gossip about beastmen being this and that way, knowing it's a lie, but many naive and innocent people bought it. This started to escalate, as police and other reinforcements started spreading information through media, that beastmen are dangerous creatures and if found, they must be reported to the police.

Luckily, the manhunt and hate on beastmen started to slightly decrease, but it didn't stop. The beastmen decided to coexist with humans, by putting young cubs through facilities, that specialized in training and teaching them to become self-conscious and indepedent citizens. They even created great companies, like in building industry for example, where new beastmen were given jobs and could finally feel safe and normal, while being useful for the society.

Because of the way they were treated, beastmen splitted into 2 groups: the first one contained of beasts, that wanted to live on a daily basis with humans in peace. But the other contained of those, who wanted to take revenge on humans for all the past wrongdoings against the beastmen.

Based on the races of beastmen, it was ferocious to start conflicts there, since all beastmen were strong. Their power came not only from bodybuild or race, but age also had a big meaning in it - the older the beastman, the stronger he gets. That's why, even a well build young beastman stands no chance against a 90 years old elder beastman.

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