Chapter 8

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When they reached the closest supermarket, they entered there and took one of the shopping trolleys. "Soo" Michael started "what exactly do you need for the dinner?" "Well I would need all of the things on this list." she said, while taking out her phone and showing it to the men.

"Two whole broccolis? And mushrooms?" Akira said, while looking at Iza. "Yes, that's right. Are you allergic to them or something?" "Not really. I'm just not a big fan of these, but since you like this dish so much, then I will try to not pay attention to them." "Don't worry about it! Actually, they will taste amazing in it, even for you." "Okay, I'll take your word for that."

Michael then cut in "So, except of these two, we also need: wheat flour, a chicken's breast, onions, cheese and butter." "Hmm, I already have the flour, onions and butter at home, so we don't have to buy them. But I would also need some mayonnaise, ketchup and a few lemons." "What for?" Michael asked, slightly surprised by those ingredients since they weren't on the list. "To make a sauce for it. It might seem weird, but this sauce makes this food taste more fancy. We call this dish" A braid from french dough". "

"I've never heard of such dish as this." Both Michael and Akira said in unison. Then they both looked at each other, tension growing stronger between them. "It's normal, because this is our family's recipe. Well then, now that we know what we need, we can start the shopping. I'll take care of the mushrooms, broccoli and lemons by myself, since I only trust myself in this matter than you, boys."

Akira then declared himself "Then I will go and find the ketchup, mayo, meat and cheese. How much of the chicken?" "Maybe 1200 grams? I want to make more of it for some other people." "Do you expect guests today or something?" said Michael. "No, not at all. I just wanted to bring it to the office for those, who threw this party for me and for Rebecca, since she was bugging me about it this whole time and couldn't attend the party." Iza said, with smile on her face.

"Then I will take care of the wine, since we have someone's birthday to celebrate today~." Michael declared, while glancing on Iza, who smiled to him happy, that she had such understanding and nice friends. "Thank you, guys. Ok so off we go, since it will take me some time to cook it all." "Don't worry, I will help you with it." Akira said with a smile to Iza, then looking slyly at boiling Michael. "I'll also help. It's not like I'll wait on the side, looking at you two and be bored myself." "Alright then. Let's get it over with."


When they were done with shopping, they finally reached Iza's home. Michael was quite surprised to see it, because he expected for Iza to live in some little flat with not much space. But he saw a nice, not so big bungalow house, with a well taken care of garden, and in a nice, calm and quiet neighborhood.

When they parked in her garage, both men took care of the bags, not letting the girl carry them, even though she wanted to help. In the supermarket she insisted on paying, and paid only for wine, while the men were arguing about paying for the rest. So, they finally came to a compromise (thanks to Iza) and each paid a half of it.

After bringing everything to the kitchen, each person got a task to do something and everyone got to work.


Finally, after 3 hours, they made it. One sample of the food from shape resembled a thick braid. And there were 6 of them in total. Each was around half meter long, and 15 cm wide. They had a filling that consisted of mushrooms fried with chopped onions, diced chicken breast and boiled broccoli parts, that were together on the whole length. On them was put cheese and it all was covered by 'wings' of the dough in pattern of a braid, to prevent it from falling apart while eating.

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