Chapter 2

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Present day:

Izabela groggily woke up, remembering the dream clear as a day. She wondered if it was her mind playing trikcs on her or what? After all, it isn't normal for a 7 year old child to approach a beastman. But she brushed it off since she had more important matters to think about.

She looked at the clock to see 6 am on the screen. She groaned while standing up. She then put on some casual clothes, took a wallet with money, a bag for groceries and her house keys. She walked out her house to her garage, where she kept her bike. She put her belongings in the basket and took off on the bike to the city.

Around her, the view of private properties with bungalow-houses on them soon turned into blocks that contained many flats with people in them living their life. The girl soon turned left, into another street. From there she got to the high street, which was full of people and quite lively. The girl finally stepped down from her bike and left it next to the bakery. After that, she entered the building that was small but warm, cozy and smelled like freshly baked breads and buns.

Iza with a smile on her face looked at the shelves behind the counter, that contained many kinds of bread, buns, croissants and even cookies. When it was her turn after waiting patiently in a short line, she started a conversation with a baker, while the other woman was serving her.

"Hey Iza! How's your weekend been so far? Anything interesting happened without me there to witness it?~" said Alice. Alice was a quite short girl, 160 cm tall exactly, who had a petite figure, long dark straight blonde hair and green eyes with a brown dot on the right one.

"Ahh, same old, same old. Another guy who I went out with on Saturday turned out to be one of those who like to have one night stands with strangers. He even told me, that he's married with kids! And I wrote on my profile, that I'm looking for someone free, ugh!". Iza said it loudly and putting deep emphasis on word free, knowing that only her and Alice are inside the bakery at the moment.

"On the beginning he was even sweet, charming and classy. But when we entered one of the clubs and he got slightly wasted, he started giving comments regarding my chest, ass and said *Let's go to a hotel and see more of the world~*. Can you believe it? He even wanted to touch me with those dirty paws of his, so I slapped him straight in face, paid for my wine that I didn't even drink worried, if he put something nasty there, took a cab and got home. "

Alice was slightly shocked. She was the one that recommended that dating site to Iza knowing, that she wanted to start some normal relationship with a decent man.

Iza was quite attractive: she was a little plump, thicc and a tall girl, with dark brown and slightly curly hair. She had bay skin, long black lashes, and her eyes from afar seemed to be brown like her hair, but in reality they were actually green. That's why many people said she had cat's eyes.

Alice sighed sad, that she couldn't help her best friend. "But don't worry about it! Maybe I should take a break from dating? Afterall, I'm only 21 and nobody said that everybody needs to be already in a relationship!" the taller girl exclaimed. Alice looked at her happy, that this didn't make Iza disappointed on her and gave the bag with 3 buns and a croissant filled with chocolate ."How much for them?" "That's on me" Alice answered. Iza laughed at it and said "Alice, if you think it's your fault, then you're wrong. And if you keep doing it to me, your bakery will go out of business soon for heaven's sake!" she said, grabbing 5 dolars and putting it on the counter. "Keep the change, maybe next time I will take your products for free, ok?" "Alright fine. You win this time~" Alice said and took the money. Iza looked at the counter and saw 6.50 am.

"Crap, I'm gonna be late! Alright Alice see ya!" Iza said while hurriedly walking to the exit and after that taking her bike and going back home.


When she finally reached her place, she hurriedly went to the kitchen and unpacked all of the groceries she had bought. She then started making herself breakfast, by scrambling a few eggs and eating them with one of the buns covered in butter. The other two were prepared with salad, ham and tomatoes - one for Iza, and one for her bedridden grandma laying in hospital. While eating her breakfast she turned on the news and watched them.

"From last minute - a male beastman was witnessed approaching a pair of women. Poor ladies were frightened and called for help. After that, some beastman-hunters came in action and killed the monster on the spot. We're so grateful that no one got hurt".

Iza looked at the screen and thought to herself "Seriously?! They make a commotion because a male beastman approached the women?! And even called him monster?! What if he only wanted to ask for help? Afterall, it isn't everyday that a beastman reveals himself. And beastmen also are people. I just hope this guy was in as least of pain as possible before death. Those who killed him should be deemed monsters, not heroes."

She then took a shower, put some office work clothes on like white shirt, black vest and black pencil skirt. She combed her hair into a high ponytail and put on some flat black shoes. After preparing herself and packing her bag with essentials, she took her car and headed towards the local hospital.

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