Chapter 72

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As Michael was waiting at the police station, all kinds of thoughts swarmed his mind. Him uncovering a hunter among police officers and his sister being shot numerous times, yet she's alive. It all caused him to feel extremely tense, especially after learning that the guy who attacked the women wanted to kidnap some of them and even knew that one of them is a sheep beast. This was all too bizarre for a mere coincidence to be. "Why would he do something like this? And in broad daylight? Is he high or something?" Rather than finding answers, all he got were unanswered questions that popped up one after another.

While contemplating about all this, he saw Alice hurriedly approaching him. The girl was still in her bakery's uniform while holding a jacket on herself. She seemed terrified, which caused Michael to instantly regret telling her about it. "Where is she?" She asked, still panting and slightly sweaty despite the low temperature outside. "They're still asking her questions." "They won't lock her up, right?" "If they dare then they'll be damned for doing that. She nearly lost her-" he paused, looking at Alice's worried expression "consciousness from the whole pressure put on her."

Alice looked at him unsure of what he said. But soon enough nodded in agreement. Michael was glad inside, as he didn't want to give the poor girl another dose of depression she just got out of. And it wasn't a lie, as Audrey actually was on the verge of passing out. He pat the shorter girl's shoulder in a reassuring matter. "She'll be fine. As long as you're here with her, I'm sure she'll go back to the way she was." "I'm not that helpful though. I was the one who always relies on her. Maybe if I was stronger, things could be a little-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down pipsqueak." He said, earning a glare accompanied with puffed out cheeks from the girl. "Don't glare at me like that because your expression literally proves my words." He then put both his hands on her shoulders and looked at her. "You are strong. And stop denying that because if you weren't strong, you wouldn't show up here by yourself. I know your bio family and that shitty ex of yours fucked you up good, but you're over them. You're over their bullshit and now you took your life into your own tiny hands. Understand this that I'm calling you small and all that annoying stuff for a reason."

"Because I'm short?" "Yes and no. Because you're like one of these smaller dogs, who don't fear giants bigger than them tenfold. You don't give a shit about what people say about you and you can make people scared of you with just your bravery and ability to talk real loud, to other people's dismay. You're annoying, you're loud and you're short. But all of this combined creates a true little devil that everyone fears for their dear life. So yes, you are strong. You just achieved strength not through your frame, but through that never shut mouth of yours." After hearing this Alice honestly cackled at his words, which also caused Michael to smile slightly.

Then they heard the door open and saw Audrey leaving the station. Both were at the same time surprised and relieved. The policewoman who came with her, did a small word exchange with Audrey and let her go, with a hopeful smile on her face. Audrey on the other hand still seemed shaken up, but more aware of her surroundings. As she noticed the presence of her two favorite people in her life, she stood there for a moment, letting Alice come up and hug her. Audrey at first didn't react, only mindlessly looked ahead, at Michael.

He gestured her to sit down, which she did. Alice didn't sit down though, instead, she was still standing. Audrey then leaned her head down on Alice's smaller body, listening to the other girl's heart beat. It was barely hearable for a normal person standing by, but to her it was a calming lullaby. Along with a soothing touch of Alice's hand on her messy hair, she felt finally at ease. "I'll leave you two for now, okay? If you need me, I'm one call away." And he left. "Alice?" Audrey said, not looking at her girlfriend. She was too spooked from the whole incident, her stomach doing flips and her feeling cold chills down her spine. Whenever Alice would suddenly put a warm hand over her back, for a moment she'd jump but soon enough relax under her touch. Alice was way smaller, but also softer. While hugging her, Audrey felt like hugging a life-size warm doll - warm and lovely.

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