Chapter 74

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"Time to get up~." Izabela heard, as she still squirmed in her sleep. She opened her eyes and saw Akira smiling at her with his most genuine smile. "Morning beautiful." "Morning handsome." She didn't know, but if the guy was in his tiger form, his tail would probably knock over the small clock she had on her bedside cabinet. "What got you smiling so much?" "I'm in really good mood. Why, don't you like it when I'm like this? Am I annoying to you?" "Sometimes you are, but not this morning." She said, without glancing at him. At first part Akira felt upset but it washed away the moment it appeared.

"What time is it?" "7 am." "Good. I'll still manage to get to work soon." The man looked at her concerned. "What is it?" She asked, not understanding his expression. "It's Sunday. There's no work today." At this the girl smacked herself. "Of course, I knew it. Thanks for reminding." "Anytime. Sorry but I have to leave." "Really? Why, did something happen?" "Would you prefer if I stayed for today with you?" He asked jokingly. "It's not that. Did something bad happen?" "No. I just need to go home and take care of some business. You'll be fine by yourself or no?" "I'm not a damn baby. I can manage by myself just as well as I did before."

"Alright then." He went to put his shoes on and Izabela followed him behind. She then observed him as he was putting on his shoes. "So, we'll see each other today or tomorrow at work?" "Nah, tomorrow sounds good. I want some rest from everyone. Text me once you're home so I can be sure you're fine." "Got it." He then gave her a quick peck at her forehead and opened the door. "Goodbye, my love." And he left. When the door closed, the girl still stood there, dumbfounded. This affection really did wonders on her, as she still got surprised each time someone gave it to her. "... Guess I'll have to rely on you to choose my future man, kids."


"You seem happy." "Do I?" Michael replied, as he kept checking the food he was preparing. Currently, like every Sunday, he's spending his afternoons checking out his cooking abilities with his father, who despite being tired from previous night still checked on his son. He'd never in his entire life would have thought, that one of his children would actually follow in his footsteps. This made him proud of himself, as he was certain that Michael will be fine by himself in the future. "The moment you put down your phone the smile didn't leave your face. Something good happened?"

"Well, there's a chance that I'm going to be a father of twins." He said, while cutting the cucumber. Theodore on the other hand was surprised, but also smiled. "Now that's something. Two at the same time. Is she eating well? I hope she doesn't starve herself as some of those women, who want to keep fit while pregnant?" "Don't worry old man. She's actually the type that would protect her food more from getting stolen than her phone from getting a check through by me. Aaand, she does make sure to not let her stomach be empty. Not in a bad way." Both men laughed at it and fell silent again. "As far as I can tell, she still makes you happy. How do you feel about this current situation though? I mean the father issue?" "To me she's like mom to you. If the kids are his, then I'd still try to be with her."

"Are you sure you want that though? You know how people might question your choice." Michael didn't doubt his father's words. The memory of how people would give his father pitiful looks once they learned about their family's situation was bitter to him and unpleasant. Especially when they would look at him and say how he doesn't remind the man at all. Neither in looks nor approach in some fields. Only a few would actually notice the similarity between them in their passion for cooking. But these would be only the people that worked in his dad's restaurant, so it really didn't count much.

As Michael remembered that, anger started growing inside of him. But as he was to break the handle of his knife, he felt someone calmly yet securely grasp his arm. He then realized he was about to break the knife from anger. "Sorry. Didn't mean to remind you of these times. Guess I should be careful from now on." Michael put the knife down and sighed, while leaning on the counter over the cut cucumbers. "It's fine. You got some point here, as people can be pretty shitty once they know you." "Michael, what did I say about profanities in this home?"

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