Chapter 36

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"What do you want this time, Ivan?" Izabela said, not in mood to see him. She felt really insulted, seeing that the male didn't respect the presence of Michael. "Please, can you talk with me for a moment?" "I already am." "I mean only with you." "Sorry, but after what you have done recently I can't bring myself to believe you're safe to be around. Besides, it's not a big deal if Michael keeps us company." Hearing her bold response, the man became visibly angry at her stubbornness. "Because it's... personal." "It's about Wednesday, isn't it? Actually, I'm sure it won't be bad because I just have started talking with Mikey about it." "So you can't keep quiet about it, make things clear with me and not blabber about it to anybody?" He said, in disbelief to hear how much she hated him that she started to talk about him behind his back. When he was about to come closer, Michael stopped him by standing in front of the girl. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down man. You've already caused her enough trouble, yet you blame her for telling about her problems to those whom she trusts?" Ivan was about to add something when the other male gestured him to keep silent. "Then why don't you tell me your version of events, huh? Afterall, while she tried to keep it secret and not make a problem out of it for you, you caused her enough problems for doing something that she didn't like and because of you, she was called a whore by one of her coworkers in front of her whole team."

"Is that true, Iza?" Ivan asked the girl worry. He didn't know about this situation and thought that everything's fine. He didn't think that their little outing, for him date, would cause her problems at her workplace. The male was sure that everything was under his control and nothing unwanted would leak to the media. "Unfortunately yes." She answered, a little down about it. Since she didn't want to add anything else, Michael continued sharing a piece of his mind to Ivan. "One of her coworkers has badly insulted her, because he saw this shitty article, where you two were seen together. He accused her of sleeping with you, since she entered inside the same hotel as you did. Also, the second reason was because she is the teamleader, even though she's very young and a lady. The guy was jealous of her since she achieved this much at this age, so he started calling her names."

"I-I had no idea about it-" Ivan said, taken aback. This time Iza cut in. "Well, now you do. Do you know how horrible I felt today? On Wednesday, you have done exactly 3, I'm sorry - 4 wrong things, that ruined any good relation we had. First, your not so funny comments regarding closer introduction. Don't you think you should spare something like that for that one person you will stay with together in any kind of relationship? Second, openly lying to me about when you will leave. I honestly believed that you will leave very soon and felt bad for you, so I was doing what I could to make your stay here as much enjoyable as possible. Yet it turns out, that I was fooled and trusted someone that can't even tell me the truth regarding their current situation. I know it wasn't that much of a lie to make a fuss about, but at the moment I realized that I've had enough of everything." "I'm sorry for tha-" "I still haven't finished talking." She said, with a rising anger and annoyance in her voice.

"The third thing that you shouldn't have done, was force me to answer a certain question you asked. You did it, despite the rule that if a person doesn't want to answer honestly, then they have the possibility of taking the shot. Do you know how uncomfortable and ashamed I felt to answer? I know that you don't have any problem with this since you're you, but I'm not like you. Say, you remember the rest of the night, don't you?" "What are you talking about? I was drunk like never." "Don't lie in my face. I clearly saw in your behavior, that you were sober but decided to play an innocent drunkard. The way your behavior changed from cute, drunk and gentle man to an attacker. Do you think it was cool of you?" After that she made sure that the man could hear every word she said clearly, so she stepped closer and while keeping a safe distance from the man behind Michael's back, she continued to spill out how she felt. "No, because you were behaving like an animal, rather than human. You know, one guy also has accidentally 'jumped' at me. But after realizing what he unconsciously started doing to me, he acted like a decent enough person and got off me very quickly. Unlike you, he had enough of self-restrain and consciousness to leave me alone and not hide with it. Not to mention, he felt bad about what he has nearly done to me and apologized for it, even though he also wasn't completely aware of his surroundings like you."

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