Chapter 43

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Iza somehow managed to get to the airport on time. She already went on dangerous speed since she didn't want to be late and have a chance to talk things out with Akira. Miraculously, she didn't stumble across any traffic or cause some car accident on the street. As she drove to her destination, the gears in her brain already were working, trying to figure out what to say when she would finally stand in front of Akira. She was surprised by the man's confession about himself, but she didn't hate him for that. In fact, she was more flustered than he could think she was, since the words spoken by him made her stunned.

When she finally managed to find a good parking spot in front of the airport, she quickly entered inside, bumping accidentally into some of the passerbys and apologizing each time. At one moment she bumped into some older woman and stumbled back a bit. "Ah, I'm sorry ma'am. Didn't mean to bump into you. Have a good day." When she excused herself and was about to continue going,the woman suddenly yanked her jacket, making her fall down. Iza fell to the floor, with a loud thud that drew attention of the crowd. She groaned in displeasure and massaged the place where she hit herself during the fall, not understanding what was happening. When she stood up and pointed her attention to the woman who did it to her, she saw the lady sitting on the floor and holding her right arm, while wailing and crying loudly. "Ehh, ma'am? Is something the matter?" The girl asked her, trying not to groan from pain in her tailbone. "Why did you do this to me?!" The woman shouted in her face, waterworks on full display. "Excuse me? What are you talking about, ma'am? You were the one who made me fall down." "What are you talking about?! You were the one to push me down, and now accuse me of something I didn't do!"

When Izabela looked around, she saw people around them gather more and whisper to each other. Some of them even pointed their fingers to them, while others took out their phones and started recording them. When Iza pointed her attention back to the woman, she realized that the way their stances are now, it made her look like an attacker, since she was a little bigger than the chubby woman on the floor. Not to mention, she currently had on a frown from her encounter with her other grandparents. She sighed slightly annoyed but decided to leave the woman be. "Ma'am, I don't understand what you mean. At the moment I'm in a hurry to meet up with someone and it wasn't me who made you trip. So please, leave me alone." "How dare you! I demand you to pay for hurting me!" The woman said, continuing the whole ordeal she started. "Japier... Ugh, jasny gwint." (It actually means 'holy crap' or 'ow snap', but I mostly use it as 'gosh darn it', just like here.)

Iza said, trying her best to refrain from cursing at anything at the moment. The woman hearing this started to ramble. "What do you think you're doing?! This is America and here we speak English! Understand? English!" "Lady, if you want to know, I also am American." "No, you're not! If you were American then you would speak English and not some Asian language." At this point Izabela was seriously annoyed, but decided to keep her emotions at bay, trying her best to be reasonable. "Lady, for your information, this was a European language, Polish to be exact. And if you're claiming that I'm not American, then sorry to disappoint you but I was born in this country just like you." "So? This still doesn't change the fact that you have just insulted me!" "Excuse me? I didn't insult you." "Yes, you did!" "When?" "When you were speaking in that weird language!" "Ma'am, that wasn't an insult. That was literally saying me 'gosh darn it'." "No, you insulted me!" "Then how did I insult you? Because I hardly know you lady and I can't recall calling you in any way some insulting names." "You insulted me, and that's final! I'm calling the cops!" "Alright, call them." After this Izabela saw two security men marching in their direction. They seemed to be worried about the commotion in this part of the airport.

When they reached to them, they started questioning both Izabela and the woman. "Excuse me ladies, is there any issue here with something?" "Yes there is!" The woman said with her tone raised. "And what would that be, ma'am?" "This girl here pushed me down, broke my arm and insulted me!" The security guards looked at Izabela, who only crossed her arms on her chest and sighed in resignation. "Is that true, miss?" Iza was about to answer when the woman interrupted her. "Yes she is!" "Ma'am, at the moment we're questioning the suspect so please refrain from making this case harder." "Well I'm sorry but as the victim here I deserve to be repaid for the damage." The bodyguard sighed defeated at the woman's fussing. "I understand your concern ma'am, but for now please let us question the suspect." The woman only snorted but surprisingly did as she was told. The guard then looked at Izabela and once again asked her the same question. "No, neither have I pushed her down nor insulted her. The only thing that happened between us was that I have accidentally bumped into her, but I apologized on the spot. She didn't fall from that and rather, she yanked my jacket and made me fall down."

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