Chapter 35

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"Everyone, you're doing great! Keep it up!" Izabela said. Despite staying late the day prior, she wasn't tired or stressed out at all. The good time she had with Akira finally allowed her to relax with someone. The man was really patient with her and listened to her well. But there definitely was more to it, since yesterday she was the one to initiate things like kissing with him. After this she felt different around the man: you could say she felt really close with him. And now that meant that there was progress with all that courting thing.

Since today everyone wanted to finish all the work related to the project, Izabela decided to put the last night memory on the side, and concentrate on the task at hand. Because most of the work was finished the day before, everyone did everything they could to finish it. Of course, except the paperwork there had to be made statements regarding the whole situation and given to the manager, in order to keep him updated on the events. But this one task took Rebecca and Derrick, their coworker. Knowing that she also was busy, they said they'll do it, so Izabela could have it easier, because she still had to supervise the work's progress. The girl was truly grateful to them for taking this responsibility off her shoulders and promised to help them out with the statements.

Since everyone got involved in it, the work progressed well to everyone's liking. All of the documents and files were neatly organized and placed in their dedicated spots. Graphs and presentations regarding the costs and proceeds, ups and downs of building the construction. And all of the warehouse and sales documentary were also put and organized in the system. Although everyone was exhausted, all of the workers were genuinely happy to be able to finish their tasks on time. When most of the hassle was over, Izabela smiled to herself and tired now, seated herself in her chair.

When she was about to relax for a bit, a certain black skinned hand started poking at her shoulder. The girl groaned frustrated and opened her eyes, only to see Derrick in front of her with a weird expression on. Since the man seemed worried, Izabela started to wonder what happened. "The manager wants to see you." "Huh? Did I do something wrong?" "I don't know honestly. If you did I would already know about it and tell you. But whatever it is tell me later about it, okay?" "Haha, even if it will turn out they decided to fire me?" "Yes. If they did, then I'm sure that this company would be in chaos in just a few months. No, days." After that they both shared a cheerful chuckle, although deep down none of them what would happen in the manager's office. "Haha, thanks for reassurance. Wish me good luck then." "I will."

After this short word exchange, Izabela finally stepped out of the office and headed in direction of manager's office. It wasn't particularly far, but it also wasn't too close. She had to reach the 3rd floor where the office was, but luckily the company had elevator that allowed Izabela not to tire herself anymore. She was at that moment truly grateful for it, because she really was tired after this whole week and also hungry. Not to mention since it was Friday, this meant that even if she wanted, she knew she wouldn't eat meat that she craved right now so much, because she was raised by her grandmother to be Roman Catholic Christian. Since her grandma came actually from region of Silesia, she was raised in that religion. And one of its rules was to not eat meat on Friday, unless one was on a journey or on that said Friday priest announced dispensation. And that's why her grandmother passed these habits onto her son, and later - onto her only granddaughter.

When she heard the familiar 'ding' sound, she straightened her posture to look more professional and presentable. She stepped out of the elevator and headed in direction of the office. Upon reaching it, she softly knocked on the door only to receive a short "Come in". After entering inside, she noticed her manager, whose name was Oliver Smith. The man was around the same height as her. He had amber colored hair and gray eyes that gave him both handsome and calm look, accompanied by his pale skin. The man was in his early thirties, but still looked quite young. Maybe he wasn't a bodybuilder, but he did have a bit of muscle here and there. He was a little thinner than Michael and Akira though. It was easy to tell, due to him wearing a well taylored, blue suit on. Also, the man on his left hand had a silver watch, while on his right hand's ring finger there was visible a bicolored ring - symbol of triple marriage possibly taken in church. Since his ring had blue and graphit color on it, this meant that he was currently married to two women.

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