Chapter 52

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As the evening went on, Danny, Iza, Michael and Akira visited quite a few houses. To the adults surprise the toddler had quite a big amount of accumulated energy in him, which was the main reason the boy didn't want to stop with going around to get sweets. But it still was adorable to see him cheerfully knock on people's door and politely ask for sweets. Each time he was gifted with any amount possible. At one of the house's, when the boy got his sweets and thanked the man, he trotted in direction of another house with the two men watching over him and talking to him.

Iza was about to follow them when the man gently grabbed her shoulder and asked her to wait a moment. He then gave her a small, light box covered in black wrapping with blue dots. The girl looked at him not understanding what is this and asked him what's inside. "If you're so curious you can check it out. But, I wouldn't advice to do it in public. Either way have a long night!" Before the girl could say or ask anything else, the man slammed his door right before her with a small smirk under his nose. "... That was weird." She thought to herself, when she managed to reach to boys who waited for her from a distance.


"I wanna go theere." The boy whined and pointed to another house, although the way his energy has decreased showed otherwise. They've been walking like that for two hours already and the boy was getting more and more sleepy, despite him refusing this fact. "Danny, let's go home. I'm sure mommy and daddy are already waiting for you there." "Don't wanna." "Danny." "Don't wanna. I wanna go more trick and treating." The boy said while being more and more unwilling to walk by himself. The girl then got down and scooped him in her arms, allowing him to wrap his small arms around her neck. "We're going home, okay? You're sleepy and you probably wanna go to bed with your favorite plushie, don't you?" At this question the boy only nodded his head into her shoulder as a response.

As she walked with the boy on her arms, she forgot about the box that fell down to the ground. Akira noticed it and picked it up, shaking it gently while wondering what's inside. "Iza, what's inside this box?" "How should I know? I don't know the guy who gave it to me, neither did he tell me what's inside." She responded to his question. "Gimme that." Michael snatched it away from Akira's hand. After shaking it for a moment and listening to the sound, he suddenly had a surprised look on his face. "You said that the guy at that one house gave it to you?" "Yeah." "Did he say anything after giving you that?" "Not really. Except wishing me a long night, whatever he meant by that. Do you know what is inside?" "Haha, no." He responded with an innocent smile. "But I know what might be there." He thought to himself. "Ah well doesn't matter now. Either way we're finally here." The girl stopped in her tracks to take the sleeping boy inside the house with his sweets. When she came back, she was already holding the car keys in her hand. "So where's that party at?"


After a while of driving, the trio finally reached to the place, with the men bickering back and forth. Neon lights, music hearable from the outside and a bunch of people inside and outside of the building. Seeing the place Izabela for a moment wanted to go back home, since she noticed many people in different and more unique costumes that in her opinion looked better on them. "Say, why don't we try to spend the Halloween in different way?" "Is something wrong with this place?" "Are you feeling unwell?" Akira worriedly asked, putting his arm over her shoulder.

Both men were concerned about this statement. Seeing their concerned expressions made the girl feel better, so she decided to continue the night as planned. "You know what guys? Nevermind that. Let's go and enjoy this Halloween Party together!" "Is everything alright though? You're acting weird." "Nah. A party like that isn't a bad way to celebrate so I'm simply thinking about enjoying it a bit." She replied to Michael. "So, shall we go? And in case of drinking I've decided to be the one driving." With arrangements set in place, she and both of the men entered the place. People dancing on the dancefloor. A DJ speaking to microphone and controlling the music at the same time. Waiters and waitresses wearing similar costumes while serving the customers. And a big counter with the masked barman behind it making beverages for the people chatting to him by the counter.

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