Chapter 20

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After half an hour it could be heard that someone rang the doorbell. Iza said she will check and went to the door. After opening it she saw the familiar man with a tanned skin and black hair. "So what is so urgent that you need my help Iza?" "Hey Michael. Please follow me." After closing the door and making sure it was locked, the man followed the girl to the living room. There, Rebecca was surprised to see the man. "Err, Iza? Why is Michael here? Is he that 'someone' who will help us out?" "Yeah. Everyone, wait a bit. I'll go ahead and bring Danny with me."

After that, Iza scurried off in direction of the boy's room. When she reached it, she knocked delicately on the door. "Go away." From the other side of the door it could be heard that the boy was crying. "Danny please, let me in. We want to help you." The door creaked open to reveal a cute little sheep beastman with red and puffy eyes. The boy was holding in his hand a blue teddy bear, that Iza gave him once as a birthday gift. The boy was a bit fidgety and scared, but seeing his aunt smiling warmly at him, he came to her and hugged her. "Auntie? Am I a monster?" "What are you talking about Danny?" "Because in kindergarten miss Daisy says that beastmen are monsters who hurt people around them." Hearing this, Iza embraced the boy even more. How could they say something like this to kids at this young age? What if it turned out, that some of them are beastmen and heard such cruel things from her, a person who shouldn't be a racist towards anybody? The girl with determination in her eyes spoke to the boy. "Hey, Danny look at me." The boy lifted his gaze and looked at her. "No matter what, don't listen to people like her. She shouldn't say such things like this in your kindergarten. Just because she said that, this doesn't mean that she knows beastmen. That she knows what your real intentions are. Remember, just because you're a beastman, it doesn't mean you're a bad person. You're the kindest child I've ever met. So don't worry, I would never treat you differently, just because you're a beastman. Besides, at the moment you're the cutest child beastman I had a chance to see with my own eyes." After hearing such kind words, the boy smiled and Iza ruffled his fur on his head, to which the boy laughed a little. "Do you feel better now?" "Yeah." "Let's go. I called someone, who's just like you and knows how to help you." The boy hummed in agreement, to which Iza was relieved that he decided to come out.

She then took him in her arms and brought to the living room. When Michael saw her with the boy, he was a little surprised. He realized then the urgency behind Izabela's call. "Ohh. Is he your kid, Iza?" "Actually he's our son." Said Rebecca, while interwining her hand with Lucian's. "Hmm. I don't feel a scent of a sheepman from any of you, except the little buddy." Michael said, coming closer to the couple and leaning down slightly, to take a whiff of each one's scent. "Actually, they are his parents but apparently, the beastman gene skipped a generation and this boy manifested as a beastman, despite his parents being both humans. His father isn't a beastman, but his grandfather was." Said Mary. Michael understood the whole situation. "When and where did he manifest?" "Here, around an hour ago." "Phew, then he's safe. That's what matters at the moment." Lucian then approached Michael and started asking him questions. "Who are you? Why did Iza call for you? And how can you help us in this situation?" Then Michael looked at Iza and asked "Can I show them?" "Yes. I'd be glad if you did it." Then Michael took his shirt and shoes off. While seeing it everyone in the room except Iza thought that he lost his mind to strip off his clothes. But then the male changed into a black wolf beastman and they were scared for a moment there. "Michael Garcia. Unlike you all, I'm a beastman. A wolf, as you can see. I came here to offer a place, which this kid can safely attend, in order to learn more about himself." He then started explaining everything about the facilities for beastmen, where they can grow up, regardless of them having families or being orphans. He said that the boy can start attending one and that way he will be more aware of his situation. The family listened to him and attentively took in everything he said. "Then, will he have to move away?" "What? Of course not! If he didn't have a family then they would take him in and raise till he would turn 18. But since he isn't an orphan he will simply attend their programme till he will be aware enough to go to school, without worry that he might turn into a beastman by an accident." After explaining everything, Michael looked at the boy which held tightly Izabela's hand. When the boy's eyes met the male's, he quickly hid behind the girl. "Don't worry lil' guy. I promise you that I won't hurt you. I'm here only to offer you help since we're alike." The boy then curiously approached Michael. The man liked kids, so he took him in his arms and embraced him. The boy returned the gesture and Iza tried to hold in the urge to 'aww' at the cute sight before her. "So when can I take him there?" "Huh? What do you mean by saying that, young man?" "Sorry ma'am, but I am the one recruiting new beasts to facilities. Unlike me, you don't know where it is, and they might not let you in, knowing by your scents that you're all humans. If you want to make sure that no harm comes to him, I can take Iza with me. She will explain the whole situation there, while I will arrange everything there for them to let this kid join in. Of course when everything will be done, I'll take you there on Monday and introduce you as his family, so no one would mistreat you thinking, that you might be someone dangerous to beasts, or even some spy. But they are rather nice there so I think everything will go smoothly." "How long will he have to attend there?" "Around 2 or 3 years minimum. It depends on how he will adapt with everything. After that time he will have the possibility of going to school like any kid, but he will have to come from time to time to do some check ups and keep being updated about the facts regarding him being a beastman. When he will start attending middle school, I advise you keep an eye on him, because at that time beastmen start to mature more and they might be out of control. They might even do something bad, driven by instincts. If he will cause you trouble, here is my contact info in case something happened." After saying it, Michael took a piece of paper and scribbled something down there. When he finished, he handed the paper to Lucian and Rebecca, who hesitantly took it and checked its content. He wrote there his phone number and email address. "So, do you agree for lil' buddy to attend the facility?" Michael asked them sternly. The couple looked at each other, then at Mary and she nodded at them. Rebecca then spoke "Yes. Please, help us take good care of Danny." Michael smiled and looked at Danny, who didn't understand anything, but regardless curiously listened to the conversation. "Hey, Danny was it? My name is Michael." "Hi Michael." "Listen here, buddy. As you can see, me and you are a little different than the rest of people here right?" "Yeah." "As I can see, you have difficulty with turning back into a human and don't know what to do?" The boy nodded shyly. The man smirked and continued. "That's why I'm here. You see, there is that one place where there are kids just like you, who are in the same situation. You and me are beastmen. This means, that we can transform into this form and are a little stronger than normal humans. But since you're new to it all, I want to take you to a facility." "Facility? What is that?" "It's a place where kids like you learn about themselves and are taught how to control some of their abilities. For example, transformation." "Will they like me there?" "Of course they will! In there, all of you are the same and you're all around same age." "Will I go back to my friends in kindergarten?" "Sorry buddy but you can't. At the moment you have to learn a bit about yourself. But when you will be 6 or 7, you will be able to go to school like the other kids. There's a chance you will meet them there again." The boy was a little sad, but he understood the situation. He doesn't know how his friends would react about him being a beastman. He often heard how people talked about those 'beastmen'. He never cared about it, till now. So determined, he looked at the wolf and said "Okay. I'll go there." Rebecca and Lucian were proud of their son for accepting the reality. "Good choice, buddy. I'm sure you will make some good friends at the facility." After that Michael turned back into a human and the boy also tried to, but he didn't know how and pouted which was adorable in everyone's eyes.

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