Chapter 9

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That evening was trully fun and enjoyable for everyone. The food was delicious to everyone's liking and there was enough wine for everyone. Well, except the grandma, who strongly declined it, not wanting to cause more problems to the doctors. After eating everyone decided to play Twister. The elder woman was spinning, while the rest had to place their limbs on the right dots.

At one moment Michael couldn't keep himself up anymore and slipped down. Because of this, the other two also lost their balance and fell on him. This caused everyone in the room to burst out laughing, till their ribs hurt.

When they looked at the clock, it already showed 11.30 pm. So they decided to end the party, since everyone, except Anna, had work the next day and wanted to have some normal sleep after this hectic day. So, after cleaning up a bit, everyone went to bed, since it was already late and Iza didn't want for her guests to waste time on taking the cab and getting to their places. So both of the men were offered to spend a night here, and after a short while both agreed. Then everyone situated themselves in their rooms and fell into a deep slumber.


The next day Iza was taking care of some documents, when someone's deep voice from behind her said "Hello Iza. How did those last 2 weeks pass you by?". Iza turned around only to be met with hard chest. Then she looked up and saw that it was Ivan. "Oh, hi Ivan! Actually quite good. How about you?" While examining his features, she suddenly found a big scar on his left eye. It was very visible while looking at it closely. But surprisingly it made the man more attractive. "What happened to your eye? Even if we haven't seen each other for these 2 weeks, back then your face wasn't scarred."

The man was nervous for a moment, but then replied "Oh, this? 2 weeks ago I was attacked by someone and we fought a bit. He was quite strong, but eventually I managed to fend him off with only a few scratches and this." He said, pointing to the scar. "Oh, that's good if he didn't hurt you too much. But, did you report about it to the police? Maybe they would find him." "I decided not to, since it would probably start some rumor about it, and then someone would turn it into a scandal, even though it's not that big of a deal." "Hmm, you got a point there. But why would someone attack you? Do you have any enemies or something?" "Haha. As a CEO of Chernit Corp there are many people, who hold some grudge towards me or might want to take my position away from me." He said with a calm tone. The girl then started to think about it and realized, that he's right.

After a moment the man said "Iza?" "Yes?" "Do you mind grabbing a coffee with me sometime?" "Sorry Ivan but I don't really like coffee. But if you want to go to some café or something, then I'd gladly join you there. But I'd rather have some tea if it doesn't bother you." "No, of course it doesn't bother me! I actually thought that you like coffee, but it seems we have a lot to catch up on. But, if not coffee then do you like cakes or other kinds of sweets?" They were conversing back and forth. They didn't notice Rebecca seeing them, while they passed by her.


" Sooo~? I thought you weren't interested in Mr Chernit?" Rebecca said, with a sly smirk on. Iza glanced at her and chuckled. "You mean Ivan?" "Since when are you two on a first name basis? Now you can't tell me that you two are total strangers." "Well we just had a chance to catch up, because for those last 2 weeks we didn't have a chance to see each other. Turns out that he was attacked by someone and has a big scar on his face. And stop with that crap, cause all I know is his name and that he's the CEO of Chernit Corp in Russia."

"Alright, alright. What else did you two talk about?" "Well, to my surprise, he asked me out." "Oooooh, love is in the air~." "Are you kidding me?" "What? You're young, pretty, single and have nothing to lose. Besides, it's not like you're seeing someone right?" "Well, no-" "Then give him a chance girl! This guy is looking at you like at some goddess. Just go on and find out for yourself." "I already am going, so you don't have to push me more. But, we're only going out as friends." "Yay! Maybe I will be an aunt soon!" Both of the girls then laughed and finally got to work.

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