Chapter 71

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"Twins. Twins. TWINS. I'M HAVING A FREAKING PAIR OF TWINS." Izabela repeated in her head, over and over again. Knowing she's going to be a mother was shocking enough, but a mother of two? That was even more unexpected. This was truly controversial, especially due to her grandmother's past fertility issues and her mother having a very high risk pregnancy when pregnant with her. "I thought that it would be impossible for me to ever start a family, yet everything is going on so smoothly." She muttered to herself, leaving the building.

"But then again, isn't it also risky? The doctor said that with multiplets, it's important to give extra attention to pregnancy, since these are not the same as pregnancies with one baby." Reflecting on everything that's been happening around her, she had to sit down to calm down her thoughts. "... Dang it. Why is it, that in life, it can never be truly peaceful? Why can't I have some peace for a moment? Ugh!" She wanted to let it all out, but also knew that it wouldn't change anything, so she let her hands fall to her sides.

She then looked at the cloudy sky, which hasn't changed for these last days. As she was watching it, the clouds started to leave a small gap, where sun could finally shine. The light of it hit her directly in her eyes, forcing her to close them shut. But then she felt the nice warmth coming from this small light, which always brought her comfort. She then realized something and smiled slightly. "Who am I kidding? As if I didn't go through worse shit before. Atleast I don't have to worry about being alone in this, having to live from paycheck to paycheck or becoming homeless for not paying rent on time like many others have to."

Guess I should be thankful for everything I already got." She said mindlessly. "What do you mean?" At the sound of someone else's voice the young woman jumped in her seat, completely unaware of somebody else actually being there. "Jesus Jack, do you want me to die from heart attack? You scared me there!" She exclaimed, pressing her hand on her chest where her heart would be. The man only chuckled at her reaction. "Didn't mean to scare you miss. It's not everyday that I see someone speaking to themselves." He smiled innocently, which made him look more and more like some younger teenager.

This left Izabela flabbergasted and embarrassed. "Oh uhm... Well, some people do that which is normal. Say, how do you do that?" "Do what?" He asked, no longer laughing at her previous reaction. "You know, when you walk I can barely hear your footsteps. It's as if you float in the air or something." "I walk this quietly?" The girl nodded. The man then seemed to deeply think about it. "Hmm, you're the first person to point that out. I'd say you're quite of an observer, if I have to be honest. Never took you for a one though." "Why, because I tend to be very busy with work?" "That too, but also because you seem like an extroverted person."

"So you say only introverts tend to be good observers?" "Never said that. But usually these people tend to be more observant than the more social ones." "I won't argue with you about it." She said, taking out her phone and checking it. She saw a small icon about some messages but decided to put the phone back to her bag. "What do you meant, when you said that? About being thankful for what you got?" The man asked, visibly interested in knowing more. "Oh, nothing. It's just, I tend to overthink many things and unnecessarily worry too much. And I think that I'm exaggerating with it."

She then looked at the man, flustered all over her face. But Jacques didn't seem to judge her, only seemed to look at her with understanding. "I don't think so." "I understand you're saying this to make me feel better-" "What're you talking about? I'm serious." The man said, visibly upset about her judgement. "When you tend to worry and think everything through, it doesn't necessarily mean you're exaggerating. Rather, I think your mind is trying to think of possible future scenarios that might take place and cause damage. Your brain does it in order to prevent them from happening. You're not exaggerating, you're just thinking of possible dangers and hopes in the near future that might be caused by the events from your past."

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