Hello My Name is...(Chapter 1)

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Jade's Point Of View (POV) 

I couldn't believe it. We were the first group to win X-Factor AND we were a girl group. The best part about being on the X-Factor was that I now have 3 new best friends and sisters for life. Also, starting tomorrow morning the girls and I get to tour with One Direction! I can't wait but there is just one thing i'm hesitant about. Seeing Harry Styles..........


I couldn't believe it. I was at the X-Factor Boot camp. A few more auditions and I could be going to Judge's House. After that I could be going to the Live Shows and then if I win.....I would be so happy. I just don't know where to go; I guess I could go make some friends. There's an adorable curly headed boy coming my way.

"Hello, I'm Harry". Wow he has the cutest green eyes I had ever seen. "Hi, I'm Jade". Why the heck am I so nervous around him? "Ha ha, maybe it’s my curly hair"...

"OMG! Did I say that out loud"? I was so embarrassed I was about to run away but then he grabbed my wrist. "It's okay. I think you are cute".

I knew my cheeks were as red as a fire truck by now. When he touched me I felt sparks fly through my body. After that we hung out with each other until our final Boot camp auditions. That's when I saw him flirting with another girl. After a while I saw about 3 other girls come up to him looking brokenhearted. My heart was broken as well. I thought he really liked me but obviously he was just like any other teenage boy. That day I got sent home and I cried for about 5 days. Not only because I hadn't made it to Judge's house but because I had fallen in love with someone I had just met.

Little did he know...I would be winning the X-Factor 1 year later......

*End Flashback*

I felt tears forming in my eyes. Perrie ran to me "Jade what’s wrong? Are you nervous? It’s okay it will be just like the live shows again". To be honest I wasn't crying because I was nervous about the tour, I was nervous about what Harry would say to me. We had seen each other when One Direction came back to perform on the X-Factor but I always tried to stay as far away as possible from him. "I'm not nervous Perrie...I was just sad because I can't decide whether to wear my Dr.Martens or Adidas when we meet the boys tomorrow". I put on the best fake smile I could. She started laughing then squeezed me into a bear hug. "Wear your Adidas, the red bows are just...so...you JadeyPoo". After that my smile wasn't fake and I became more confident about tomorrow. After that we went to bed and all I could dream about was what would happen tomorrow.

------------------------------------------The Next Day----------------------------------------------

"JADE! WAKE UP! WE HAVE TO LEAVE IN LIKE AN HOUR!" I heard Leigh-Anne screaming then, I hit the floor...HARD.

"Ouch! What the heck Leigh?" I asked very annoyed. She had a smirk on her face then she just skipped out of the room. Then I looked at my clock. "Holy Crap! I only have an hour to get dressed, finish packing, and to eat!" I packed my last bag within 20 minutes which left me 40 minutes to get dressed and eat. Then, I smelt the sweet smell of buttermilk pancakes and bacon. Now I was really rushing. I threw on my Adidas, my RUNDMC sweatshirt and some shorts...Wow I looked good.

"Jade hurry! We have to leave in 10 minutes"! Jesy was yelling at me from downstairs and when I looked out the window I could see them packing the car. "I need some help getting my bags down the stairs". I carried the biggest of my 2 bags down then ran to the kitchen. They only left me 2 pancakes and 2 pieces of bacon....? URGGGGGG! I ate the food within 2 minutes and we had to leave the house right then.

"It's about time" Perrie said to me rolling her eyes. I just ignored her, I knew she wasn't a morning person and if I tried to argue with her it would not end well. The whole ride was just us all trying to get some extra sleep but then our winners single Cannonball started playing on the radio and we all sang along. Next thing you know we were pulling into the parking lot and the tour bus was waiting for us. Suddenly I felt like I was about to throw up. As soon as we unpacked our bags they came out and I saw him within 10 feet of me.

Harry's POV

The girls had finally arrived. We had met the girls about 3 times before and they all seemed cool. The one we all knew the most was Perrie because she had recently started dating Zayn. However, there was one girl I had never met before but I had seen her perform with them. She had big brown eyes and curly purple-ish hair. She was really pretty and she looked very familiar. She looked just like this girl I had met at boot camp but that girl had light brown hair. I was so focused on where I might have met this girl before I didn't realize I was standing right in front of her.

"Hi, I'm Jade" she gave me the most adorable smile that I could've sworn I had seen before. "Hello, My name is Harry". Then I moved on to Leigh-Anne and Jesy. I had met them before and I already knew I would easily get along with them.

"Alright everyone, let’s get settled in the bus" Liam said to all of us being the leader/dad he always was. Once the girls got their stuff where they needed we all chilled in the living room looking room of the bus. Then, I noticed that Jade had disappeared. I found her in the dining room sitting alone and she looked sad.

"What's wrong"? She looked up at me and said "Oh, umm nothing just very nervous".

"Oh, it's okay don't be nervous" then I gave her a hug. I had to come out and say it "You look really familiar". She looked nervous like she was about to throw up "Umm...” That’s when I realized she was the girl I had met at boot camp.

"I know where I know you from; we hung out a couple of times during boot camp in 2010". She was about to go away but I grabbed her "Aren't you"? Then she nodded her head and I saw tears forming in her eyes. 

Jade's POV

He knew who I was...great. "Yes...I am the girl you met at boot camp". At first he looked shocked then happy.

"Wow, you look so much different". He said then I realized he was still holding my wrist and I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me. "You look even prettier" then he gave me his famous flirty smirk. 

"Thanks". I could feel my cheeks turning red and I started to smile. Then he wiped a tear off my face. We just stood there looking at each other for about 2 minutes then he started to lean in for a kiss. Just when our faces were about 2 inches away we heard someone coming and we both broke apart and tried to act like nothing happened.

It was just Perrie. "What’s going on in here?" she asked. We both looked at each other because neither one of us knew what to say. Then after a few minutes of silence harry finally said "Nothing. Jade and I were just trying to get to know each other". She looked convinced. "Oh okay, well we are almost at the hotel so we are all going to start gathering up our stuff". 

"Okay." I got up and followed Perrie out of the room.

Harry's POV

I watched as they left the room and I saw Jade look back at me but then she quickly left. After sitting alone for a while I decided to go get my bags. "Hey there" Louis said to me when I walked out. 

"Hey" I said and he gave me a curious look. Then he asked me "You like Jade don't you"? Wow he knows me so well. "Yeah, I guess I kind of do but please don't tell anyone".

"Yeah sure". I still don't trust him but I don't have time to argue with him. I felt the bus come to a stop then Leigh-Anne yelled "WE ARE HEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE"! Then, everyone ran out with their bags and I noticed Jade was struggling with hers.

“You need help?” I asked her. I could tell she wanted help but she just said “No, I’m fine” without looking at me. Something was wrong with her and I needed to find out why but for now I’m just going to give her some space.


Hello everyone hope you enjoy! This is my first fanfic ever so if you have any tips for me please share and please tell me if you like the story so far or not. Hopefully you do because I’m already almost done with Chapter 2 and I might be posting it as well. Well hope you enjoy this series. I don’t think I will be ending it for a while because I don’t want to disappoint the fans that I hope to have one day. Well thank you for reading fellow mixers, directioners, and jarry shippers.  Oh and Jade's outfit is on the side. 

Much Love, Cammie <3

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