Count On You (Chapter 11)

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Hello Everyone.

I'm so sorry. I have up to chapter 13 written but I'm sort of having some writers block and I am kind of busy at school so I may not update for a while after this. Please continue commenting and voting. Also, if any of you have any ideas of what you want to happen (other than "Jarry" getting back together because that won't be until after a while) don't be afraid to message me ideas. You guys are partially the reason the story has been as good as it is. Thanks for the continuos support.

Love, Cammie :) xx ♥


Perrie’s POV

The doctor had just walked into the waiting room to talk to Harry and I. “I’m afraid I have some bad news for you guys” he told us. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to cry. “Is she dead” Harry asked and I started crying. The thought of my best friend being dead tore me apart.

Harry gave me a hug and the doctor said “Oh no, not that kind of bad news”. I stopped crying a little but not all the way because the news might still be depressing. “You see Ms. Thirlwall got hit pretty hard. She has a very bad concussion in may be in a coma for a couple of days” the doctor said.

Oh gosh. We have a concert tomorrow night. “About how long do you think she will be in a coma” I asked. “At least 3 days’ the doctor told us. “Looks like we have to call our tour directors” Harry told me. “You guys can come back tomorrow around 2” the doctor said then left.

We decided to go back to the hotel and tell everyone what happened. The ride to the hotel was quiet and awkward. When we got there everyone was waiting in Harry and Louis’s room. It was sort of our new meeting room.

“What did the doctor say” Liam asked as soon as we walked in. I’m guessing Leigh-Anne and Jesy already told them the story. I decided to tell them everything that the doctor had said. After I told them, everyone just sat there silently.

“Does this mean we have to cancel the next few shows” Niall asked. I didn’t know the answer to that question. We could still perform but it wouldn’t be the same without Jade. ‘How about we just call the tour directors” Zayn suggested, he must’ve read my mind.

The tour directors told us that we couldn’t cancel any of the shows. We all were kind of sad to hear that we had to go on with the tour. Luckily we were staying in this location for a week. “I’m going to go to bed” I said then walked to my room. I was really lonely without having Jade there. When I got to my room I started to cry and then I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Zayn. I pulled him into a tight hug and he stayed the night with me.

----------------------------------------The Next Morning--------------------------------------

“Perrie, wake up” I heard someone saying. When I woke up I noticed Leigh-Anne, Jesy, and Zayn staring at me. “Good morning Perrie” Leigh-Anne said then sat down next to me.

“It’s not a good morning” I said then laid back down. “Perrie, come on we have to leave” Jesy said to me and started shaking me. “Where are we going” I asked her.

They all started laughing. “Oh Perrie, you are so silly” Zayn said “we have a performance in 4 hours”. Oh yeah, today the performance was earlier than usual. “Oh” I said then got ready. When I came out they all started laughing. ‘What’s wrong” I asked.

They continued to laugh. I ran back to the bathroom to look in the mirror. I didn’t see anything wrong. “Why are you guys laughing at me” I yelled at them. They stopped laughing. “Nothing, Leigh-Anne was just telling us a joke” Zayn said then held my hand.

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