Finally (Chapter 17)

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Jade’s POV

As soon as I popped out on the stage all my nerves went away and I felt more relaxed. While we were singing each song I scanned the audience for Sam and Jordan. I didn’t spot them until E.T. when we were up in air. Sam noticed that I saw them and told me to ‘shhh’ then he winked at me. When he winked at me, I started blushing and accidently did a flip in the air. I was so embarrassed but everyone else thought it was funny. Next we sung ‘Cannonball’ and then exited the stage.

The Directioners and Mixers were so supportive and I couldn’t have been happier. Oh wait I can be once I see Jesy’s reaction to Jordan being here. At that moment I got a text from Sam.

Message from: Sam :p

Hey, we’re almost at your dressing room.

Message to: Sam :p

Okay! Can’t wait to see Jesy’s reaction!

“Hey Jade, want to come with me to see the boys perform a few songs” Jesy asked me which was perfect because we might run into Sam and Jordan in the hall. “Yeah sure” I said then linked my arm with Jesy’s. Right when I opened the door Sam and Jordan were about to knock on the door.

“Jordypoo!” Jesy yelled then tackled Jordan to the floor in a massive bear hug. “Awwwwwwwwww” Sam and I said at the same time. We both looked up at each other at the same time and smiled. “Hi Sam” I said then gave him a hug. “Hey, you did great today. The flip you did was the icing on the cake” he said with a wink making my cheeks feel hot. “Um Jesy, where in the world did Perrie and Leigh go” I asked when I noticed their absence.

“Right here” Perrie yelled while walking into the room with Leigh-Anne. “Hi Sam! Hi Jordan” Leigh-Anne yelled with her hillbilly accent when she walked in and noticed the boys. “Hello” Perrie said in a cute high-pitched voice making me giggle a little. “Where did you two go” I asked.

They both looked at each other with mischievous grins on their faces. “Oh nothing, nothing at all” Perrie said a little too slowly. What were they up to this time? I didn’t let it bother me and we all just sat down and had a chat with the boys. I noticed that Sam kept looking over at me, does he like me? OMG! If Sam likes me I….I don’t know what I would do. Explode from excitement!

We had been talking for such a long time we didn’t even realize that the concert was over. Sam and Jordan had left our dressing room so that we could change into some comfortable clothes. “What the heck” we heard Louis yell then I looked over at Perrie and Leigh who were snickering. “Oh no please don’t tell me you-“ I started to say when the boys burst into our room. “Who did it? Who trashed our dressing room” Louis said with all the other boys behind him.

We all froze. Uh oh! Leigh and Perrie have started a prank war once again. “Alright since no one will confess we will have to take one of you hostage until one of you confess” Louis said then the boys started charging towards us. First they grabbed Perrie but the girls and I ran to rescue her. “No Perrie” I yelled trying to grab her but the boys were blocking my way.

After us all trying to save Perrie they boys let go of her and she tried to run to us but Zayn grabbed her. Then, Harry grabbed me, Liam grabbed Jesy, and Niall grabbed Leigh. “Hmmm, who should we hold hostage” Louis asked while tapping his chin. He’s so dramatic. He looked at all of us then stopped at me. Uh oh!

“Her” he said pointing at me “let’s go”. Next thing I know Harry lifted me over my shoulder and I tried to reach for the girls. They were also trying to reach towards me but they were each being held back by one of the boys. Louis and Harry took me to one of the empty, smaller dressing rooms and finally put me down. As soon as I tried to run they blocked the door then pointed to a chair. I then sat down.

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