Same Mistakes (Chapter 21)

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As you all know, I wrote another story connected to this so please read it! Thanks!


Jade's POV

"Jade, wake up" I heard someone whisper into my ear. "Nooooo" I mumbled. "Yesssssss" they said while laughing. The laughing belonged to Leigh which means I should probably get up before she pranks me. "Okay, I'm up. I'M UP" I yelled making her laugh again but this time I joined her. "What are you two laughing about" Jesy said in a Scottish accent. "Oh we're just being silly" I said while walking to my closet. "Hurry up and get ready" Leigh yelled as they both walked out of my room. Wait what time is it? Why do I have to get ready? Uh, whatever.

I decided to throw on a peach jumper with white and silver pearls on it. I then put on some bleached jeans with all white Adidas. I then went to the bathroom and somewhat brushed out my thick, frizzy hair. The brush got stuck a couple times which made me mad. I am not a morning person. I like to be lazy for 2 hours after I wake up! After I made my lion’s mane look more pleasant, I put on a white bow headband. I then put on some concealer and pink lip gloss. "Alright I'm ready" I yelled running down the stairs to the kitchen. Leigh and Jesy were sitting at the counter eating pancakes and talking. "Where's Perrie" I asked a little confused. "Sleep" Jesy said. So Perrie gets to sleep while I have to wake up. Wait, I don't even know what time it is. "Why does she get to sleep" I whined. They both shrugged and continued eating their pancakes. I just sighed and got a plate of pancakes for myself. When I looked at the clock I saw that it was 9:45. "Why the heck are we up this early" I asked a little mad. I never wake up before 11 unless we have something to do.

"No reason" Leigh said. They are hiding something from me and I know it. "Whatever, I'm going back to my room to get some more sleep before we have to perform tonight" I said then ran to my room. As soon as I lay down I fell asleep. 15 minutes later the bell rang. Who the heck is coming over our house at 10 am! Am I the only one who finds this weird?

"Hello" I heard Jesy and Leigh say at the same time. "Hi" I heard five voices say at the same time. Do they have to be here this morning? I mean we basically see them 24/7. "Where's my twin" Louis asked which made me chuckle a little. "In her room, probably sleeping" Jesy said then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I quickly ran to my door to lock it. I then ran back to my bed and lay down. "Twin" Louis yelled outside my door while banging on it. "I know you hear me" he said and I started laughing. I then turned into zombie mode to make it seem like I was sleeping. I had taken off my clothes and makeup earlier and put on some lazy day clothes. I walked to my door slowly, messed up my hair a little then opened the door. "Hello" I said opening my door then Louis tackled me into a hug. "Ah! Get your big butt off of me" I said while laughing. He then helped me up and just stood there. "What do you want" I asked.

"Can't tell you now. Just come with me downstairs" he said. I then sighed and followed him down. When I got downstairs everyone was sitting in the living room including Perrie. She didn't look too happy either. I sat next to her and pinched her cheek. She slapped my hand away though and I just laughed. "So why have I been awaken before 12 o' clock" Perrie said and I shrugged. "Well Perrie, we have something to tell you guys" Liam said and she nodded for him to continue. "Management called us this morning and told us that you guys will not be opening for us after the UK leg of our tour" he said which made me a little sad. "What" Perrie and I yelled at the same time. "Did you guys already know this" I asked Jesy and Leigh. They just looked down at their laps. Why didn't they tell us? "Don't be mad though because it’s for a good reason" Louis said. We all gave them a questioning look. "You girls get to start on your first album" they all yelled in unison. We all started jumping around. "OMG!" "Yay!" "Congrats!"

I can't believe we are going to start working on our first album! "We get an album! We get an album" Perrie and I said at the same time. We all began hugging each other. I then hugged someone and when I saw who it was my breath hitched a little. "Hi" he said with a shy smile. "Uh hey Niall" I said. We then just stood there awkwardly. "Twin" Louis yelled while walking towards me and giving me a hug. I am so happy he came at this moment. "Congrats" he said while pulling away from the hug. "Haha thanks" I said. Niall still stood there awkwardly so I decided maybe I should just talk to him.

"Hey Niall" I said walking up to him. "Uh, hey Jade" he said a little nervous. See, I don't want him to feel nervous around me. Friends shouldn't be nervous around each other. Unless they like each other or they are hiding something. Oh great now I'm feeling nervous. That's because you like him back. What?! No I don't, he's just a buddy of mine. Is that all you want him to be? No, I mean yes, I mean I don't know! Why am I arguing with myself? I huffed real loud out of aggravation. "Is everything okay" Niall asked me. I then looked at him and smiled. "Yeah, can I talk to you in private" I asked and he nodded. We then walked out to the back patio.

"What's up" he said while sitting down. "The sky, duh" I said laughing a little. He laughed a little too and I sat down. "Seriously though, what's up" he asked. "Um, well....I uh...." I said because I didn't know how to start. He nodded for me to continue so I took a deep breath. "Niall, I have feelings for you. When we kissed the other day I felt something" I said. "You did" he asked and I nodded. "Well, I have feelings for you too" he said with a smile which made me smile. I then began thinking about how I already dated my best friend and how that ended badly.

"I know you do Niall but, we can't be together" I said and his face dropped. "Why not" he asked with hurt in his eyes. "I don't want our friendship to be ruined" I said a little sad too. He then took my hands and looked into my eyes. "It's alright, I understand" he said which broke my heart. I then gave him a kiss on the cheek which made him blush a little. "Sorry" I said then walked away.

Niall's POV

I can't believe I just got rejected before I even asked her out. I don't know how to feel right now. I just feel so hurt. After Jade walked away I let the tears spill from my eyes. I don't think what happened with Sam is the only reason she doesn't want us to date. She must like Harry too! Oh gosh, I should have known. I am nothing compared to him. Any girl would choose him over me hands down. After a while of sitting outside I stood up and walked into the living room. "Hey guys, I'm going to head home now. See you at the concert tonight" I said. "Bye Niall" they all said in unison. I then walked home which was only about 5 minutes away.

Jades POV

I can't believe I just did that. I should have given Niall a chance but now it's too late. There just one problem other than what happened with Sam but I don't know what it is. Let me think, yesterday when Perrie told me that Harry walked in the kitchen yesterday after me I freaked out a little. Then, when she said he looked a little sad I felt kind of guilty. Oh no, please don't tell me I like Harry too! I think I do I mean you could easily get lost in his gorgeous green eyes and I would love to just run my hands through his curly locks and once again WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME! I can't have a crush on two of my best friends and I definitely can't have a crush on two of my best friends who are in the same band!

Oh gosh, what am I going to do? I feel like I only made my friendship with Niall worse but telling him we couldn't be together. I need some alone time to think. "Hey, you okay" Liam asked me and I nodded. "Uh, yeah I just need a nap or something" I said with a fake smile then went to my room. Who knew two boys could make you feel this way?


Heyo! Thank you everyone who reads this story. I now have over 23k reads on this story which is amazing. I never thought anyone would read it so the fact that 23k people have just warms my heart. Anyways check out my new story. Dont forget to vote and comment. 10 comments 15 votes next chappie! 

QoC: What do you want to happen at some point in the story?

Thanks for reading! Love yous :) Xx 

-Cammie :) Xx

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