Almost Is Never Enough (Chapter 25)

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Niall's POV

"Thank you for coming out today! We love you all" I yelled before we all got off stage. Finally the concerts over. I basically sprinted to the dressing rooms and got changed. "Wooh, that was amazing" Louis said as he and the rest of the boys walked in. They all chatted about the concert but I was focused on the task at hand.

"See you later boys" I said when I finally finished getting dressed. "See ya" they all replied as I walked out. When I walked out I saw Leigh and Perrie talking. "Hey Leigh, hey Perrie" I yelled walking up to them. "Hi Niall" they said. "You girls were amazing today" I said and they thanked me. "You guys were awesome too" Perrie said and I laughed. "Thanks, do either of you know where Jade is" I asked.

"Yeah, she was over there talking to some tech guys" Leigh said pointing towards the backstage area. "Thanks" I said then walked to the backstage area. "Jade" I yelled when I saw her and she turned around then spotted me. She then waved. "Hey Ni" she said. Awww, she called me Ni. Okay this is no time to blush. "Hey, I wanted to ask you something" I said nervously. "What's up" she asked. "I was wondering if you would like to go out tonight" I asked. Please don’t let me get rejected again. She then smiled. She's going to be happy to reject me!  "I would love to" she said. There it goes...wait what?!

"OMG really" I asked a little too excited. She nodded and I swear I wanted to faint. "Yay lets go" I said grabbing her hand and pulling her before she changed her mind. "So where are we going" she asked when we got into the car. "You shall see" I said and she laughed. I planned on taking her to see The Lion King in 3D since its back in theaters. I also made a reservation for an Italian restaurant in town.

Within no time we were at the theater. "What are we doing at the movies" she asked and I laughed. "Really Jade? What do you do when you go to the movies" I asked. "Watch a movie and eat loads of popcorn and candy and soda" she said and I laughed.

We then got out of the car and walked to the entrance. "I'll buy the tickets, here's some money for concessions" I said handing her 30 pounds. She then walked to the concession stand. "2 tickets for The Lion King 3D please" I said and gave the man some money. He then handed me the tickets. When I was finished I walked over to jade. "What did you get" I asked.

"Popcorn, soda, candy, and some biscuits for myself" she said and I laughed. The person then handed us the stuff and we walked to the theater. We got seats close to the front. "OMG! I love the Lion King" Jade said when the beginning of the movie started playing.

To be honest I love the Lion King too. It's an awesome movie and the songs are very fun. During the whole movie Jade and I sung all the songs. She cried when Mufasa died but of course I kept cool. Okay, I shed a few tears too. "That was so much fun" Jade said when the movie was over. "Thanks so much" she said when we got outside. "The nights not over yet" I said and she giggled. "C'mon" I said walking towards the restaurant. "The cars that way though" she said looking back as the parking lot. "We're walking about a block to some place I'm sure you'll like" I said and we walked. "Oooh is it a biscuit factory" she asked and I shook my head. "You'll see" I said and we kept walking. "We're here" I said when we arrived.

"Magianno's" she squealed and I laughed. "I went to one of these in America while visiting some family and I swear they had the best lasagna" she gushed and I laughed. I knew she'd love it. "Reservation for Niall Horan" I said and the hostess took us to a private table in the back.
We ordered our drinks which were quickly brought to us. I then ordered parmesan chicken and Jade ordered Lasagna. When we got the food we both took our first bite then dropped our forks. "Oh my gosh! This is so good" we both said then dug into our plates. Next thing you know we were both finished. "That was amazing" Jade said and I agreed.

I paid the bill and Jade insisted that she leave the tip. "Alright, the end" I said when we got into the car and she laughed. "Thanks so much for the amazing date Niall" she said and I blushed. She said date, OMG! "No problem" I said and she gave me a kiss on the cheek making me blush even more. I started driving so she wouldn't notice but she did. We were at the hotel in no time.

"Before we go in, I wanted to ask you something" I said as I parked the car. "What's up" she asked with a hopeful smile. Maybe this is where the rejection comes. "Would you like to be my girlfriend" I asked then closed my eyes prepared for a rejection.

Instead of that I felt a pair of lips on my own. It felt so right and I could feel myself melting. "Of course" she said when she pulled away. I swear I had the biggest smile on my face after that. "Let’s go boyfriend" she said and we got out the car. We walked into the hotel hand in hand.

"I wonder what the others are going to think" I said as we reached our floor. "I'm pretty sure they'll support us" she said and I gave her a peck before walking in.

Harry's POV (after the concert)

After the concert ended the boys and I went straight to our dressing room. When we walked in Niall was nearly already dressed. "Where's he rushing off to" I asked Zayn and he shrugged. "See you later boys" Niall said leaving in a hurry. "Bye Niall" we all said as he left.

"That was weird" Louis said when he was gone and we all agreed. I finished getting dressed a little after Niall left. "Hey Haz, the rest of us were planning to go bowling if you want to come" Zayn said. "Maybe" I said because I planned on asking Jade out in about 1 minute. I walked out and went down a corridor that leads to the backstage area.

That's where I last saw Jade so I was hoping she was still there. When I got there she was standing all by herself looking around. "Jade" I shouted and she looked around for whoever called her. Then she started waving but it wasn't at me, it was at Niall. He walked in from the opposite corridor as me.

I decided to ease drop and see what they were talking about. I moved a little closer and hid. "What's up" I heard her ask. So they're just casually talking, that's good. "I was wondering if you would like to go out tonight" he asked. Wait what?! Maybe she'll say no, please say no. "I would love to" she replied with her cute smile. Nooooooooooo. "OMG, really" he asked in surprise and she nodded. "Yay lets go" he said and they ran off together.

Its official, I've lost my chance. I've lost my chance of making things right. I've lost my chance of dating the girl I've loved since 2010. I lost her to one of my close friends. Jade Thirlwall, the girl whose heart I broke has now done the same to me.  I almost got her to be mine but almost is never enough.


Hellooooooooooo! I'M BACK WITH THIS STORY! It is clearly not on hold! There are only 5 more chappies left in this story (insert sad face)! I'm going to be sad to see this go. Not quite sure if i'll write a sequel. Probably not... BUT YOU CAN READ THE PREQUEL FOR THE SAME EFFECT (INSERT WINK WINK)!!! While youre reading that...GO READ 'LIVING WITH SNOBS AND FAME' my new story starring WATTPAD USERS LIKE YOU...YEAH YOU...THE ONE READING THIS RIGHT NOW....DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT, VOTE, AND FOLLOW ME! MY GOAL IS 200 FOR THIS YEAR ON BOTH HERE AND INSTAGRAM! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE CAMBEARS!!!!!!!

-Cammie :) xx


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