Can You Feel the Love Tonight (Chapter 2)

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Jade’s POV

“No I’m fine”. I really am not fine. I almost kissed Harry but Perrie just had to walk in right then. Now I can’t even look at him because I know he probably thinks I don’t like him. Oh gosh I really need to apologize because I really do like him and I wish we had kissed. By the time I looked up I realized that he was already outside with the others so I just went out as well.

“There you are! It took you ages to come out” Jesy said to me as soon as I walked out but before I could reply they all ran away into the hotel. The only one who waited for me was Harry. He is just so sweet, gosh what is wrong with me this boy broke my heart and he still hasn’t apologized.

When we got inside everyone was putting their bags on the trolley. Then after we finished putting our bags on the trolley, we all split up into two elevators. I was in an elevator with the girls and Zayn. The others were in the elevator with the trolley.

When we reached our floor we realized that we only got 4 rooms. Next thing you know Louis decided how we would set-up the rooms. “Okay everyone since there are only 4 rooms there will be 2 people in 3 of the rooms and 3 in the other. In room 1012 Zayn and Perrie, room 1014 Jesy and Leigh-Anne, room 1013 Niall, Liam and I, and that leaves Harry and Jade in 1015”.

Oh great! I have to share a room with Harry. “Um Louis I can just share with Leigh-Anne and Jes-“

“NO! You will be sharing with Harry and that is final”. Wow Louis is pretty strict when he gives orders. After standing in the hall for a while everyone went into their rooms. Me and Harry sat on separate beds and neither one of us said anything for a while.

Harry’s POV

I can’t believe Louis put us in a room together. That’s the last time I tell him I like a girl. Ever since Jade and I almost kissed she has been ignoring me. “So…Jade. What’s up? We were cool on the bus”. I went and sat next to her but she still was silent for a while then she finally spoke.

“Nothing, it’s just…nothing”. I could tell she wanted to tell me something so I had to come up with a way to get it out of her. “Come on, you can tell me”. She still wouldn’t budge so I decided she needed a visit from the tickle monster and I started tickling her and then she finally smiled. Next she started laughing.

“Harry……Stop! Ha-ha” Wow she has such an adorable laugh. “Nope not until you tell me what’s wrong with you”. I continued tickling her for about 2 minutes until she finally said “Okay! I will tell you…..just stop!” I finally stopped tickling her.

“The truth is I am kind of mad at you”. She looked me straight in the eye when she said this. “You’re mad at me?! What did I do?” I honestly don’t know what I did since we were on the bus unless she was mad that I didn’t kiss her even when Perrie walked in. If she was I wouldn’t mind kissing her right now.

“I’m not mad at you for anything recent! I’m mad at you for boot camp. I started liking you but you were flirting with like 5 different girls!” Then she ran into the bathroom and I heard her start to cry. “Jade? Jade, I’m sorry please open up” I tried jiggling the door handle but it was locked.

“No just go away”! I couldn’t believe I was such a jerk to her and I expected her to just forget about it. Just when I was about to apologize again there was a knock at the door. When I opened I saw Niall there. “Hey Niall. What’s up”?

“Oh hey, we are all hungry so we were about to head out and get something to eat. You and Jade want to come?” I was kind of hungry too but I didn’t want anyone else to see Jade crying so I just said no and everyone else left. After sitting outside of the door waiting I remembered that my older sister taught me how to open locked doors with hair pins. I grabbed a hair pin out of Jade’s bag then tried to open the bathroom door. It worked!

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