Final Countdown (Chapter 24)

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Harry's POV

It's been about a week since what happened on the plane. I've been ignoring Niall, Jade, and my own best friend, Louis. Niall and Jade have rekindled their friendship which sucks. I'm pretty sure Niall's going to make a move on her soon. I've got to get my head straight but I can't.

I'm so mad at them and I don't want to talk to them. However I like her so much and I want her to be mine. I don't know what to do about it! I need Louis but I'm pretty sure he's on Niall's side like everyone else now. I just want my best friend back.

Niall's POV

Harry's been acting weird lately. Whenever we lads are together he stays quite like he's preoccupied with something else. If Louis or I try to talk to him he just gives us the cold shoulder. It doesn't hurt me that much that he's giving me the cold shoulder because after spending nearly every day with get tired of them and you just need some time away from them.

Then there's Louis. Whenever Harry gives him the cold shoulder he just looks so gutted. They're best friends, basically inseparable. Lately they've been drifting apart and it's affecting all of us.

Alright I'm done with the sad stuff. Jade and I are friends now and I think it's almost time for me to ask her to be my girlfriend. There's no way she's going to reject me this time! Right? Well I sure hope not.

"Hey Liam. Can I talk to you in private for a minute" I asked him. We were all chilling in our huge hotel suite. We had a day off and we all just wanted to sit back in relax. He nodded and we walked into one of the bedrooms. "What's up" he asked when he sat down.

"I think it's time" I told him and confusion spread across his face. "Wha-what are you talking about" he asked me. I then chuckled at his reaction. "I think it's time for the final stage of our plan" I said and he grinned. "I think so too" he said with a smile. He then pulled out his phone and texted someone really quick.

Perrie's POV

From: Liam
Niall's ready

To: Liam
OMG OMG yay! Gonna tell the others now so we can get ready.

From: Liam
Okie dokie! I'm going to help Niall plan and get his outfit together

OMG! I can't believe this is finally happening. I'm still a Jarry shipper but you know....Jiall is getting me so excited. "Is everything alright Pez? You look like you just won the lottery or something" Jesy said making everyone laugh. "No, I actually have something to tell you and Leigh" I said.

"Follow me please" I said to them as I began walking to jade and I's bedroom. They quickly followed, anxious as to why I was so excited. "What's the oh so exciting news you must tell us" Leigh asked.

"He's ready to ask her out" I said and we all started squealing. "OMG, yay! I thought I was going to explode if he didn't make a move soon" Jesy said and we all laughed. "I guess our operation Jiall worked" I said and they nodded in agreement.

"Everything else is up to Niall and Jade" Leigh added which kind of worried me. "I'm just afraid that she might reject him again" I said. "Yeah, me too. There's no reason for her to though. She likes him and he likes her. I don't know what she's afraid of" Jesy said.

"Don't be so pessimistic guys! It's going to work this time. It has to...right?" Leigh said with as much enthusiasm as she could. She did have a little doubt in her voice though.  "Let's not stress about it. Let’s just let what happens happen. Everything happens for a reason right" Jesy said and she was right.

Maybe Jade would rather be with Harry so she's trying to let Niall down easily. Oh my Jarry feels! My Jarry heart just might burst right now. "Umm Pez, why are you clutching your heart? Is everything okay" Leigh asked concerned. I didn't even know I was clutching my heart. That's what the feels do to you.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just....uh....I don't know" I said and they laughed at me. Note to self: control thy feels around other people.

Niall's POV

"So when are you going to ask her on a date" Liam asked me.

"Tomorrow night after the concert" I told him. Tomorrow our concert was in the afternoon so it wouldn't be hard for us to go out.

"Good idea. Gives us enough time for any final details" he said then he texted someone AGAIN!

"Mate, who are you texting" I asked peeking over at his phone. "Ummm, it's no one" he said putting his phone out of my view and reach. I then crossed my arms and pouted.

"Fine, I was texting Perrie" he said. Perrie? Why is he texting her? Is he telling her about my plans with Jade? I thought this was out little secret.... "What were you guys texting about" I asked.

"Umm, nothing. She just asked if we wanted to go out for dinner" he said. "Yeah right" I asked and he shook his head. "No...why would you say no! I'm hungry" I said throwing a slight tantrum.

"I thought you would want to stay here and discuss final details" he said and I threw a pillow at his face. "Forget that I'm hungry" I yelled then ran out of the room.

"PERRIEEEEE" I yelled when I walked out and she ran out of her room. "Yes Niall" she said smiling. "I'm hungry, take me for some food" I said. "I'm hungry too buddy. Let’s go" she said then linked our arms.

"Where you guys going" Jade asked coming out of nowhere. "Oh we're just going to get some food" Perrie said. I was too busy staring at Jade to answer. She was in the simplest outfit ever yet she was so beautiful. "Can I join" she said with a smile and I swear she was staring right into my eyes.

"Of course" I said with a smile and linked her arm with Perrie's. "Well I don't want to be a third wheel for you two lovebirds" Perrie said making me blush. Everyone's been calling us that lately. "Zayn, come here please" Perrie screamed and Zayn walked out of the kitchen with a bag of crisp.

"What's up babe" he asked. "Want to go out to eat with us? It's not really a question. I don't want to be alone with these two" Perrie said making us all laugh. "Don't be like that Perrie. We all have to deal with you and Zayn snogging almost every 5 minutes" Jade said making me laugh even harder. Zayn and Perrie just blushed.

"Okay enough, now let’s go" I yelled then ran out the door. "So, where are we going" Zayn asked when we got outside. "Good question, umm...I don't know" Perrie said. "Well, let’s just walk around for a bit until we see something" Jade suggested and we all nodded and began walking again.

Zayn and Perrie walked a little ahead so it was just me and Jade. "So, you been" I asked and she giggled. "I've been fine, you" she said. "Amazing" I said and she giggled again.

"Your laugh is so cute" I said. She began blushing which made me laugh. "Well what about your laugh? Everyone adores your laugh" she said while laughing and I began blushing. It's true; all the fans always say that they want my laugh as their ringtones.

"Hey guys! We found a restaurant" Perrie yelled and we caught up to them.  The restaurant was themed to looks like a 70s diner. "Wow, this place is so cool" Jade said when we walked in. "The food smells good too" I added and they all laughed at me. We then sat in a booth and a waiter came over to us.

After ordering and waiting for 15 more minutes we finally got our food. I got a bacon and cheeseburger and it looked like heaven. "Wow this food looks great" Zayn said and we all nodded in agreement. After slobbering over our food we all dug in.

OMG, this burger is perfection. It has the right amount of thickness, seasoning, and juiciness. Oh, and this bacon is so crispy and so yummy. "Is it okay if I buy 20 more of these and take them with me" I asked and they laughed. "How about we just buy this restaurant and make them come on tour with us" Perrie said. "Oooooh I like the way you think Blondie" I said to Perrie. "Thank you Blondie" she said back. Jade and Zayn were laughing at us the whole time.

After we finished our food we gave the waitress a tip and left. When we walked out I saw a bush rustle but I chose to ignore it. "That was so amazing" Jade said. "Yeah it was" I said smiling at her. I then heard another rustle and some camera clicks. Oh no, paparazzi!

"Hey, uh Niall" Jade said timidly. "Yeah" I said looking at her. She looked a little sad. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry" she said and I knew what she was talking about. "its fine don't worry about it" I said squeezing her hand for reassurance and she smiled at me.

I then heard more camera clicks and a paparazzi came out of a bush. "Are you guys dating" he asked and we both laughed. "Nah, were just friends” I said and he smiled. "Oh okay, mind if I get some pictures" he asked. I love when the paparazzi are nice. "Of course, Zayn and Perrie come take some pictures for the nice man" Jade and they came to us. "Thank you so much" he said. After a few pictures the man got our autographs for his daughter, then he left us alone and we made it back to our hotel.

"I didn't know nice paparazzi exists" Perrie said and we all laughed. "Me neither. They're usually really rude" Jade said as we walked into the hotel room. "Hey guys, have fun" Jesy asked when we walked in and we all nodded. "The food was amazing" I said and Jesy laughed. "All food is amazing to you" she said making everyone laugh.

"Haha funny, I'm going to bed now. Gooooooodniiiiiight" I said then walked to my room. I took a shower then climbed into the bed. I was so tired. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

------------------Next Morning------------------

Harry's POV

Alright, this is it. This is the day to tell Jade about my feelings for her. I have to, time is running out. The only problem is that I need my best friends help. Lucky for me, he was sleeping in the bed next to mine. "Louis" I said and he didn't budge.

I threw a pillow at him and he just tossed around a bit. I decided to just walk up to him. "Louis" I said while shaking him and he started to wake up. "What" he asked groggily. "We need to talk" I said and he opened his eyes completely. "Alright" he said and I sat next to him.

"I'm sorry okay. I didn't mean to snap at you on the plane. I was just so angry and I need to release that anger somehow" I said while looking down at my lap. I then felt a hand on my back. "its fine, I forgive you. I was just a little hurt that you wouldn't talk to me. We're best friends and we're supposed to tell each other everything, especially if it’s hurting you" Louis said. I felt the need to give him a huge hug, so I did.

"I've missed you so much" I said and he laughed. "I missed you too" he said. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend. "So how you been" Louis asked when we pulled out of the hug. "Good I guess. I have some exciting news for you though" I said and he smiled. "Oooooh tell me tell me TELL MEEE" he begged.

"I'm going to ask Jade out today" I said and he squealed. "OMG, finally! I've been waiting for this day since you broke her heart back in 2010" Louis said making me feel guilty. Louis and I became friends during bootcamp so he knew all about Jade and I. Liam also knows but he only knows a little bit.

"Don't remind me of that Lou" I said and he frowned. "Sorry" he said. "Well good luck" he said lying back down. "Wait, I need to know the right time and place though" I said and he mumbled some words that I couldn't hear.

"Just do it after the concert after we've all gotten into our everyday clothes" Louis said and I smiled. "Good, thanks boobear! I love you" I said squeezing him into a hug. "Yeah yeah yeah, love you too" he said laying down on his pillow and falling asleep instantly. I laughed at him and walked out of our room.

When I walked out I saw Niall and Liam eating some pancakes and sausage. "Hey guys" I said. "Morning Harry" they chorused. "Morning Harry" I heard two female voices say from the kitchen area. I walked over and saw Jesy and Jade cooking breakfast. "Morning ladies" I said in a charming voice and they giggled.

"How in the world are you flirty at this time of the day" Jesy asked while laughing. "When is he not being flirty" Jade added while laughing her angelic laugh. "You must always be flirty loves" I said winking at them but mostly at Jade. She blushed but Jesy just laughed.

Jade then cleared her throat. "So you want some breakfast" she asked with smile. "Yes please" I said and she handed me a plate. "Help yourself" she said gesturing to the pancakes, eggs, sausage, and sliced fruit. I decided to get a little bit of everything. "Can I have seconds now" Niall said walking into the kitchen and Jade began to laugh again.

"No, not until everyone else has had some" Jesy said acting like a mom talking to her 7 year old. "But I want more now" Niall said throwing a little tantrum. "Niall, no" Jesy said. "I WANT MORE" he yelled and Jesy threw a sausage link at him.

"There" she yelled. "Thanks" he said smiling and happily eating his sausage. "Can I h-" "NO" she yelled and he walked away pouting. "Well, umm okay that was weird" I said and they laughed.

-------------Later that day-------------

Niall's POV

I'm still mad at Jesy. Right now I'm giving her the silent treatment. "Niall, what's up? Why you still have a pouty face? That was like 6 hours ago" she said and I turned away from her. "Nialllllllll, talk to meeeee pleeeease" she said and I didn't budge. "Oh look Nandos" she said and I turned around. "Where" I asked enthusiastically. "About a 10 minute drive down the street" she said laughing.

"You're so mean" I said pouting again. "I'm not mean, you're just greedy" she said still laughing. "Alright I'm sorry. I promise I'll take you to Nando's tonight" she said and I smiled remembering my plans for tonight. "Sorry Jes, but you'll have to take me some other day. I have plans tonight" I said smirking.

"Oooh plans! With who and where" she asked grinning. "With one" I said. I don't want to tell her about my plans to ask Jade out. "C'mon tell me" she begged and I sighed. "I want to ask Jade out today" I said and she squealed.

"Yay, that's so awesome! I promise I won't tell anyone" she said. I trust her so I nodded. "Well we should probably get to hair and makeup right now" Jesy said walking away. "Bye Jes. Good luck tonight" I said. "You too" she said walking into her dressing room.

Jesy's POV

"Leigh, Pez, can I talk to you guys for a moment" I said and they followed me into the hall. "You guys will never believe what just happened" I said squealing. "What, what happened" they both asked anxiously. "He told me that he's going to ask her tonight" I said and they let the information sink in. "Oh" Perrie said, "My" Leigh said, "GOSH" they both squealed and I joined them.

"Umm is everything okay" Jade asked and we stopped squealing and jumping around. "Yep, just really excited about tonight's concert" Leigh said. "Me too" Jade said smiling.

Wow, our cover was almost blown. Probably should keep this whole Niall asking Jade out on the down low...wouldn't want this magical moment to be destroyed. I just can't wait to see how it all turns out.


Hello Cambears! Clearly I am on a roll tonight! I have posted 3 chappies tonight!!! (THE OTHER TWO ARE ON 'LIVING WITH SNOBS AND FAME WHICH YOU SHOULD TOTES CHECK OUT *WINK WINK*)! I know you're surprised that I updated because I am surprised I updated too! Basically, I had this chappie forever and I never liked it but I just posted it anyways. VOTE, COMMENT, AND READ 'LIVING WITH SNOBS AND FAME'. IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS ON BAND NAMES PLEASE COMMENT THEM OR MESSAGE ME! 


-Cammie :) xx

 Twitter, Instagram, Kik: @cammieg105

Fan Kik: @minithirlwall105

Tumblr: cammieg

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