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Betty's POV:

I was on the stage about to make an announcement to the Serpents. We were going to try to go to the Northside to try and make peace with them. They had always hated us. No one on the Southside ever did anything that the Northside claimed we did. Yeah, we dealt a small amount of drugs to make some extra cash because no one was willing to hire us for honest jobs. But we never deal anything stronger than weed.

"Serpents listen up!"

They all turned at looked at me. They respect me because I'm their leader.

"I'm going to the mayor's office to try and come to peace with the Northside. I know some of you don't approve of this plan. But it needs to be done. Now, I need one of you to keep an eye on everyone while I'm gone. Someone to make sure that they don't get into any trouble."

Only one Serpent raised their hand to volunteer. Toni Topaz. I could always count on her to do something like this. She is a very loyal Serpent.

"Thank you, Toni. Make sure they don't get into trouble." I told her.

"Of course Betty."

And I left on my motorcycle. Hoping that this would work.

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