Ch 1- the black owl

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The roads where extra smooth today in Kazan, Russia. which is why i chose to skateboard to the shops today instead of walk. I didn't really like living in the city. There where always so many loud noises and middle aged men, yelling. But i still love this city, i know everything about it too. This is my home. I think.
I felt my board hit a pebble and i nearly fell backwards, but i caught my balance. Thats when I realized i was right in front of one of the shops that i needed to go to. That beautiful building that i stop by every time i get money. The building had the words "комиссионный магазин" written on it, which is Russian for "thrift store."

I put my board in between my arm and my hip, carrying it into the store, as I opened the door a bell rung, as it does every time someone walks in. The room smelt of jasmine and sage. To my right was a shelf with a bunch of cauldrons and fancy old fashion pots. They where all so pretty to me. One of the golden cauldrons really caught my eye, i walked over to it and stroked it with my finger to wipe off the dust.
I saw my reflection in the pot. I could see my long brown hair and green eyes, i smiled a little until i saw my scar. I hated that fucking scar. The lightening bolt a little to the left on my four head.
Mom refuses to tell me where i got it from. I act like i don't care about it, but it really bothers me. I always get asked about it and stared at. I wanted to smack the cauldron to the ground but i didn't want to make a scene. I had my eyes set on that thing but now i just felt sad and decided that I didn't need another stupid antique collecting dust in my room. At least thats what i told myself.
I turned my back to walk out of the shop when my skateboard knocked 3 heavy pots off of the shelf. I sighed. Bending down to pick them up. "Would you like some help with that?" Said the soft voice of a lady standing in front of me. I had never seen her before but yet she looked so familiar. She had long red hair, fair skin and her eyes... she had my eyes. She was beautiful.
"No its fine i got it." I replied, not knowing what to say. The lady smiled "alright, have a nice day Mara." Said the lady, walking out of the store. It took me a second to realize. She said my name? Oh my god she said my name! How the fuck does she know my name, i've never even seen her before. I heard footsteps and seconds later the owner of the shop, Mrs. Petrov, a kind old lady with a wrinkly face. Walked around the corner where i was standing.

  "с кем ты разговариваешь, любимый?" She asked in Russian, she was asking me who i was talking too. I got confused. Wouldn't she have seen the lady in the store? They both came from the same direction. I told Mrs. Petrov that i was talking to the lady with the red hair who was in here.

"Мара, сегодня в магазине не было рыжей дамы..." responded Mrs. Petrov. Which in English meant "Mara, there was no red head lady in here today." I was shocked. They both came from the same area, how did Mrs. Petrov miss her? I left the shop after that interaction.
That might have just been the most twisted conversation id ever had.
When i got outside, i went back on my skateboard and headed off, i still had to get the mail, mom didn't even know i was going to the комиссионный магазин. The mailbox was just around the corner anyways.

Once i got there, i got off my skateboard and ruffled through my pocket, but nothing was there. Oh shit, the mail key, Its gone! I must have dropped it somewhere. Fuck, i'm never gonna find it. Anxiety filled my body in the thoughts of mom yelling at me from losing the key. I had no choice but to retrace my steps and go back to look for it. Right before i was about to get on my skateboard again, i glanced at the mail box and saw a black owl standing on top of it staring at me. It scared me. Ive never really seen an owl before besides at the zoo. And I've never seen a black one.
It had big beautiful yellow eyes. I was mesmerised by it. Then i saw something metal in its mouth, i went closer to see what it was. Oh my god- its my key. The owl has my fucking key! How do i get it back?
I cant just go up to it and yank it out of its mouth.
The owl blinked a few times then suddenly, it dropped the key right on the ground. I quickly grabbed it, but the owl didn't stutter. Why is it not scared of me? I thought all birds where scared of humans. I put my hand up to it to see what it would do, it looked down at my hand and rubbed its face up against it, like cats do. I smiled.

I could tell the owl was a girl. Why was she here? Could this be a sign? Besides seeing people fight bears in the middle of the road I've never really seen animals to unique things like this. I quickly opened my mailbox so i could go back to playing with the owl. There was a shit ton of mail today, we usually only get 1 or 2 things. There was a tiny brown package, some bills. And something I've never seen before. A tan letter with a red seal. It had a funny logo on it and it said "Hogwarts" on it. I had never heard of that word before. English was barley my first language.
I turned the letter to the back and it said-
'Ms. M. Potter, Kazan, Russia.' 
Thats my name... holy shit thats my name! I had never gotten a letter before, I wonder who sent it? I aggressively ripped it open, i was just so excited. The note read-

'Ms. Mara, Potter. You have been accepted to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.  It then listen a location in London called platform nine and three quarters, and things i have to buy such as a quill, parchment, and a wand.
Could this day get any more fucked up? What does this even mean? I just randomly get accepted to a wizard school in London? I live in Russia! Londons on the other side of Europe! Does this mean I'm a witch or something? I don't understand. I don't have witchy powers, do i?
I tried to think. I remembered this one time i was getting screamed at by this man for skateboarding on his property and i felt so scared and pressured. I covered my ears and screamed as loud as i could as he went flying backwards and hit his head on the ground leaving him unconscious.
And this other time i burnt my hand on the stove and it hurt like hell. I kept repeating, heal, heal, heal. And the burn went away in seconds.
And another time- when i went to Germany with mom, we where at a dessert and while mom was taking photos of a cactus, i saw a beautiful brown snake and i talked to it. But it talked back. I guess that is a unique interaction I've had with an animal.

Come to think of it, I remember loads of times where I've accidentally made things happen. This is crazy, this can't be real. There's absolutely no way, I'm a witch. I looked back up at the owl but she was gone. I didn't even see or hear her leave. I shoved the mail back in the box because honestly I didn't care. I only took my note.
I skated back home faster than i ever had.

About ten minutes later i made it home and left my board in the driveway. I ran straight in the house. I smelt mom cooking something, so i ran to the kitchen, i saw her in front of the stove. Mom was over 5,10 and had long blonde hair that was always tied up in a red bandanna. She had a long nose, sharp cheekbones and green eyes, we kind of looked nothing a like. I have a small nose and brown hair. She always tells me i look like my dad who died while she was pregnant with me.
She turned to see me. "Mara Darling, i told you to get the mail, i did, where've ya been? Said mom with her sharp Russian accent. I to have a Russian accent, but its more soft then moms.

I pulled the note out of the pocket of my jeans. She turned back around to stir what ever it was she was cooking. "Im making mac n' cheese for dinner." She said before turning back around. Once she saw what i was holding in my hand, her jaw dropped. She started sweating and she looked absolutely terrified.
"I assume you know what this is by your reaction." I said with a shaky voice from my anxiety.
"Darling, i think we need to talk." Said mom. "Yes, we do." I replied.

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