Ch-22 Youre aloud a wand

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It felt like my heart left my body.

I didn't put my name in that Goblet.

I ran to the stage and stood next to Harry. We both gave each other the same terrified look. Harry and I followed the others into Dumbledores office. I stood between Harry and Cedric.

All the teachers came storming in at once.

"Harry! Harry did you put your name in the goblet of fire?" Dumbledore asked, aggressively pushing him against the fire place.

"No sir, I didn't!" Harry defended.

After they talked for a few more seconds, Dumbledore glared at me, not saying a word. Why is he acting like this to Harry but not me? I know we're different people but this situation is happening to both of us, not just him.

"Did you actually do it?" Cedric whispered in my ear.
I shook my head, not knowing how to respond. I didn't even care that he was talking to me. I was just scared for my future at that point.

All the teachers left to speak privately.

"Cmon guys, how'd you do it?" Cedric asked Harry and i.
"We didn't do it! I swear." I replied.

Cedric looked rather annoyed at us. Okay maybe i still care a little bit about him.

"Hey, so we can both agree that neither of us put our names in, yeah?" Harry asked.
"Yeah of course I didn't."
"Because you where joking about bewitching your name in earlier so i need to know that this isn't you."

"Yes, i was joking about it earlier but i promise you I didn't do this."
"Okay. Good."

Harry's face was all sweaty from stress, i assumed mine was too.

The teachers came back in. They all looked furious except for McGonagall and Snape. They where the only ones who looked worried.

"We've agreed that the Potter twins shall proceed in the Tri-Wizzard tournament." Dumbledore announced.

"Oh come on! They cheated!" Complained Fleur Delecor.

"Ms. Delecor they did not cheat. It appears that this situation is a tragic accident that they will have to deal with." Dumbledore explained.

Cedric, Fleur, and Victor all looked annoyed.

After we where dismissed, i grabbed Harry's arm and fled into the hallway.

"How are we supposed to explain this to our friends? Ron said he'd be furious if any of us bewitched ourselves into the game." I asked.

"Well, we didn't bewitch ourselves in. So if Ron doesn't believe us thats on him." Pleaded Harry.

"I think we should try and figure out these tasks earlier. We're younger then the others so we deserve a heads up about what we're up against." I mentioned, trying to change to subject.

"Good idea. Ill see you in the morning." Said Harry, disappearing into the Gryffindor common room.

I feel like I should be nervous to walk into my common room, knowing everyone on the other side of the door hates me and thinks i cheated.
But I'm not nervous. I just want to go back to my dorm, this has been the most backwards day of my life.

I opened the door to see Pansy sitting on the sofa, nearly waiting for my arrival. Oh great. The absolute last person i need to see right now.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is." Pansy scolded, with a clear attitude.

"Shut up Pansy, I don't have the motivation to deal with whatever you need to say so save it for tomorrow." I replied, walking towards the stairs.

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