Ch-14 until next time

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All i could hear where mumbled voices. I opened my eyes to see myself in a bed at the Hospital wing, standing around me where Hermione, Ron, Harry, Fred, and George.

"Guys, guys, shes awake!" Said Ron. Everyone had exiting looks on their faces.
"Mara! We where all worried sick about you, its been over a week!" Giggled Hermione.

"A week? I barely remember what happened, what day is it? I asked, trying to take all of this in.

"January six teen." Answered Fred and George.

Jesus, i blacked out the day after Christmas, thats crazy. I heard my stomach rumbling.

"Im starving, you guys wanna come eat?" I offered.
"We all just got back from breakfast, but i have a free period so ill sit with you." Said Harry.

Once we got to the great hall i started stuffing my face with as much food as i could. I haven't eaten in weeks.
"That day was insane." Said Harry.

"Yea, tell me about it." I replied, with a spoonful of eggs in my mouth.
"That Cruciatus curse really is a lot."
"Damn right. I've gotten it twice. Hurt more the first time."

"You know, Malfoy was insanely worried about you when you passed out. He came running out of the Slytherin common room cause he heard something."

"Yea, i doubt that." I giggled, rolling my eyes.

"Im serious. He came downstairs asking what happened to you, he felt your wrist to make sure your heart was still beating. He even went to get Madam Pomfrey." Harry described.

I was surprised. Yea, Malfoy's one of my best friends but i always thought he was more of a cold hearted person like his father. He seemed like the type to not really care about people.

After breakfast when i was feeling okay, i walked to my next class, which was transfiguration. As i walked into class, late. Everyone turned to look at me and started clapping. Draco was the only one who didn't move.

"Mara! Oh, thank goodness you're okay." Cheered Professor McGonagall, she walked over to me and gave me a hug.
Draco turned his head the second McGonagall said my name. Strange.
I sat down next to him.

"Welcome back, Potter." Said Draco, trying to act like he doesn't care.
"Yea, whatever." I replied. Holding back a smile. Why was i smiling? Stop it, Mara.

During that class, McGonagall gave us a small quiz. Shit. What do i do? Im so behind in all my classes. I saw an empty seat next to Hermione. Jackpot.

I got up and sat next to her, Ron was on the other side.
"Mara, are you alright?" Whispered Hermione.
"Yea, just wanted to sit with you."

When the quiz started I noticed Ron was copying off of Hermione. I was to obviously.

Around two minutes in, Hermione peaked at my paper and looked offended.
"Are you copying off of me?" She whispered.
"No, of course not."
"Yes you are, those are my exact words."
"Ok fine. Im so behind on everything right now."
"This is basic stuff, you should know this. Just think."

I pretended to be thinking about the answers but i was secretly still copying. Theres no way I'm failing Transfiguration because i was in a coma for a few weeks. Hermione put her arm over the paper so i had to go closer to peak.

"Mara!" Hermione whisper screamed.
"Rons doing it too!"

"Ronald!" Complained Hermione grabbing Rons paper.
"Snitch!" Said Ron, out loud while pointing at me. The whole class looked at Ron.

"Cmon guys, we're trynna get work done." Sneered Seamus.
"Sorry." Said Ron, Hermione and i.

By the end of the day i came back to the common room with a huge pile of homework. I plopped it on the coffee table, it was so heavy i could barely hold it. It was pretty late too. Around eight thirty.
Suddenly. I saw Draco coming around the corner. He looked different though. His hair was messy and clean looking. It wasn't slicked back.

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