Ch-4 I belong here, but not in Slytherin.

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I felt eyes on me from the whole Slytherin table. Even After the man with the long beard said let the feast begin I didn't eat. I just sat there not knowing what to think about. Everyone at the table was looking at me and whispering to their friends, meanwhile all my friends are at the Gryffindor table, probably having fun without me.

"Hey, Potter." Said a girls voice from a few seats beside me. I leaned over to see who was talking to me. It was the girl with short hair and bangs.
"What." I replied not caring how bitter i sounded.
"Come sit with us over here." The girl offered. I got up and sat next to her. The boys in front of her where Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and a black boy with buzzed hair.

"Who would have thought, the famous, Mara Potter would be put into Slytherin." Said the girl again. "Im Pansy Parkinson, and thats Blaise Zabini." She added, pointing to the black kid.
I stayed silent.
"I see you've befriended a Weasley." Said Draco Malfoy.
"Yea, whats wrong with that?" I replied.
"The Weasleys are a disgrace to the wizard word, you should stick with us." He said. That pissed me off, i didn't want to stick with them, i hated them, even though i don't even know them.
I stood up and pushed  a bowl of mashed potatoes off the table. After that i stormed off, back into the hallway.

I know i belong in this school, i have a gut feeling that this is my home, but i don't belong in Slytherin. The sorting hat made a mistake, i know i'm meant to be in Gryffindor.

I found the girls washroom and leaned against the counter crying. I looked up at myself just to see my stupid scar. Why me? Why am i the one.
From behind me in the mirror, i saw a woman standing at the door, holy shit. It was the red head woman i saw at Комиссионный магазин. Why is she here?

I turned around to look at her. She swung her arms around me. "Im sorry it has to be this way my love." Said the woman, still hugging me.

"Who are you?" I asked, that was all that slipped out.
She broke the hug to look at me, she stroked my cheek with her hand. "Im your mother, Mara."

I gasped in shock. Even though i was barley surprised. I tried to talk to her again but before i could say anything else, she disappeared in thin air.
So thats her. Thats Lilly Potter. The woman who died trying to save me and my brother. I must tell Harry, maybe he's seen my dad, James Potter. Wiping the tears off my face i walked back in to the dining room, that people call 'The great hall.'

Ron, Hermione and Harry came rushing up to me when they saw me, Hermione gave me a big hug and they all asked me if i was alright. I didn't tell them what i saw in the bathroom, thats for Harry to find out only.
"Im so sorry you got put into Slytherin, Mara." Said Hermione.
"Its ok." I replied, even though it wasn't the slightest bit ok.

"But how is that even possible." Said Ron.
"Everyone in the same family is supposed to be in the same house, every single person in my family is in Gryffindor, so maybe the sorting hat got it wrong." He continued. Everyone looked worried.

"I think we have to ask Dumbledore about this." Said Harry.
"No. We should go find the sorting hat and ask it if it made a mistake or to change my house." I offered, confidently.
"Thats a great idea! How bout we go to our common rooms for a bit then when everyone's asleep, we go find the hat!" Said Ron.

"Are you mental? We're not aloud to be out at night, if we get caught, we'll all get points taken from our house, or worse, detention!" Said sassy Hermione.

"Fine. Ill go by myself." I said, walking out of the great hall. "Wait!" Yelled Ron and Harry,
"We'll go with you." They added.

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