Ch-36 Cinnomam and ginger

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I didn't really feel like waking up the next morning. Thats why when i did i felt like screaming until my throat collapsed, and punching my wall until my knuckles bled out. But I didn't really have a choice. Not like i ever really do.
Therefore i got up out of bed, and quickly washed my face before heading to potions class with Professor Slughorn.

My face looked pale and dry. I had huge under eye bags and my lips where so chapped i could nearly peel them off.
My dark brown hair was messy and tangled and my eyes stung from all the crying yesterday. I didn't look like myself.

I usually look healthy and clean, but today i look so dull. Like I haven't slept or eaten anything in weeks.

I skipped breakfast to avoid seeing Draco for as long as possible. Then I walked to potions class by myself.

I noticed a group of Slytherin students walking to divination. Then suddenly one of the girls left the group and begun to walk to potions.
Thats weird. We didn't get any new students in year six Slytherin this year. We've never gotten new students in Slytherin, ever.

Once i got to the potions room, I noticed Hermione was the first girl there. She looked surprised when seeing me. I stood next to her, fidgeting my nails from anxiety.

"Mara, are you alright? I was trying to talk to you but you weren't at the feast last night, or breakfast this morning." Said Hermione, sounding worried.

"I just wanted to catch up on my sleep." I lied, dismissing the fact that I'd been balling my eyes out all night.

"You look like you hadn't slept in days though. You look sick. Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Everything's fine Hermione." I lied again. I doubt she'll believe me. Shes to good of a friend to not believe me. But I really don't want to talk about my life problems in the middle of potions class. Especially since Draco's gonna be here any minute now.

I noticed him walking into the classroom with the new Slytherin girl i saw in the hallway.

She looked absolutely beautiful. Her skin looked clean and healthy, her hair was shiny and freshly trimmed. The more i looked at her the more familiar she looked.

No fucking way.

Thats Pansy...

My heart sank. I Probably look like a zombie compared to her. Sure i have pretty bright green eyes and plump lips but she looks clean and healthy.
Like she's been taking care of herself.

I bet Draco likes her. I mean he did kiss her at the Yule ball when we where fourteen.

But Draco kept looking at me...
Why me?
Theres the most beautiful girl in the world right in front of him.
Why cant he just take her.

Jesus, i hate them. I hate them both so much. Id kill them if i had the chance. Might as well just team up with Voldamort and let him kill me in front of everyone who cares about me.

"Ms. Potter, are you paying attention?" Said Professor Slughorn.

I wanted to strangle him for interrupting my thoughts.

"Sorry, what are we doing?" I replied, with a clear attitude.

"Do you know what is brewing in this pot? Ms. Potter." He asked.
I shook my head.

"This is the most powerful love spell in the world. It cannot cause actual love but it can bring severe obsession to whomever its casted upon. It's supposed to smell to each person of what attracts them. Please give it a smell." He explained.

Mara PotterWhere stories live. Discover now