Ch-6 Remus Lupin

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About a week later after the first talk in the Gryffindor common room with Ron, Harry and i discussing Voldamort.
In the past week, Hermione, Ron, Harry and i all wondered into Filches office accidentally because the stairs changed. Long story short, we lost our way out and found ourselves in a room with a fifty foot tall three headed dog, beast. Harry figured out that the filthy creature was guarding a trap door, and we need to go back to discover it.
As for the Slytherins and i, Draco and Blaise are okay i guess, everyone else in this stupid house i care less about. Especially Pansy Parkinson.

After our first Quidditch practice today, which went amazing. I was gonna hang with my Gryffindor friends again for a bit sense Quidditch was our last class. After dinner, i found the three of them all waiting for me at the door. We all took a walk outside. Ron brought Scabbers. I hate that stupid rat.

"Where are we planning on going?" I asked, sense Harry was walking oddly fast.
"We're going to Hagrids, to see if he has any information about the three headed dog, fluffy." Harry replied.

"Why Hagrid?"
"Because we believe fluffy is his."

Once Hagrid welcomed us inside his hut, we all took a seat and started asking him about the situation, without explaining what happened.
Harry and Hagrid made small talk for a bit.

"So, Hagrid. Would you happen to know any kind of way to put mammals to sleep?" Said Harry getting right into it.

Hagrid looked confused, as if he knew we where up to something.

"Well i- i'm not exactly sure about that. Oh wait! Fluffys an example, just play him a bit'a music and he falls straight to sleep!"

We all looked at each other, knowing that we got our answer. Exactly what we where looking for.
Meanwhile Hagrid looked like he regret what he just said.

"I shouldn't'a told ya that. Should not'a told ya that." Said Hagrid, just before we all fled the scene and bursted our of his hut. We all ran back toward the school but didn't go inside. Even though it was already getting so dark.

"Ok now we need a plan." Confirmed Ron, as we all stopped walking.

"Guys its getting dark out! We should discuss this tomorrow, i bet we're gonna get sent inside soon." Said Hermione.

"We have to stop procrastinating about doing something about this. Voldamort might be coming to Hogwarts any day now." Explained Harry, sounding annoyed.

"Honestly I don't understand where Dumbledore is during all of this." Said Hermione, sounding like she wanted to slam someones head into a wall.

"How about this. When everyones asleep tonight, we play Fluffy some music on the harp and go through the trapped door." Scoffed Ron.

"Alright. Im out." Hissed Hermione while walking away. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the conversation because i know i needed her cleverness for this plan to work. After all, she is the brightest out of us all here.

"We need to do this tonight Hermione!" Said Harry with zero hesitation and a committed look on his face. Meanwhile i could tell Hermione wanted to do this, but didn't want to get in trouble for it.

"So. We're doing this tonight, yes?" Asked Harry. Ron and Hermione nodded, then they all looked at me, which is when I realized I hadn't said a word this whole conversation.

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