Ch- 2 not home

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Mom and i sat down on the couch in our dull living room. She was ready to talk and i was ready to listen. "I know i should have told you this years ago so you'd be ready for this day." Said mom with a concerned look across her pale face.
Thats when i got hit with realization. She said so i would be ready for this day, which meant whatever this so called "school" is, shes gonna make me go. I don't think I'm ready for anything shes gonna say next. I kept quiet.

"I tried to stop them from sending you this STUPID LETTER." She screamed so loud, it frightened me. I scooted to the other side of the couch. "Who did you try to stop, mom?" I asked. "Dumbledore." Said mom. Ive never heard of that name before. "Dumble who?" I replied.
I saw her take a deep breathe which made me knew she was about to talk for a while.

"Dumbledore. The bratty little wizard who invented the damn school, he's a twit. He's a freak. He runs the most fucked up school in the entire world. I prayed that you wouldn't be like your mother and father but now its to late-"
"My mother and father?" I interrupted her.
She smirked for a second then started laughing. I never felt more angry and confused in my life.

"ENOUGH. TELL ME WHO YOU REALLY ARE." I screamed at the top of my lungs, and just as i did, all the windows in the house shattered. It was excruciatingly loud and there was glass everywhere. Mom looked terrified, or should i even call her that. "Y-your n-not going to that f-freakish school Mara, i know just what to do with you."
She struggled to say. Before i could think, she stood up and grabbed me by my hair and dragged me down into the basement which i had always been scared of. "No! Stop! Let go of me!" I cried.
She opened a closet door, shoved me in there and slammed the door shut. I tried to slam the door down but it didn't budge. So instead i sat down in the dark and continuously asked myself what i did to deserve this? Mom had always abused me, and hit me, and got me into trouble. I have been kicked down the stairs more times then I've been read a book to. Im not safe in this house. Im not safe anywhere.
What had this day turned into? I realised i still had my letter in my pocket. But I couldn't read it. It was to dark. Is mom just gonna leave me here to die? Just because whats his face sent me this stupid letter? Dumbledore was the name.

Why did mom say i had another mother and father... whatever, i don't have the fucking time to sit here and cry. Thats not who i am. I have to figure out how I'm gonna get through this door. Wait, so if i do know something. I think i am a witch. Less than ten minutes ago I shattered every window in my house out of anger, i didn't even touch them. That proves it! Maybe i can do something similar to get the door open, then ill still have to get through mom to get out of this hell house.
Think Mara, think.

I channeled my anger. Thought about how my whole eleven years of life, I've been abused and lied to. And how i have this stupid scar on my head that makes me angry every single day. How i want more than anything in life is to get out of this damn city. How did i even question for a second that this place is my home? Then, i let it all out in a loud terrifying scream.
The door swung open so hard it fell off. Perfect. Now i need to make a run for it. Right for the door. I need to go anywhere, anywhere thats not home. I ran back upstairs and peaked in the kitchen. Moms mac n' cheese pot had fallen over and was all over the floor. I ignored it and ran for the door. But i felt a hand grab my hair again and pull me backwards. It was mom.

The front door was open and right in front of me, i was so close. Why now?
All of the sudden something big and black flew into the house and landed on moms face, pinning her to the ground, no fucking way. It was the black owl that i saw earlier! She saved me! She had to have been sent by Dumble- what ever his name is. I wait for the owl to get off my mom and come with me. Shes my owl now.

But she kept clawing at my moms face and wouldn't stop. "Cmon! Hurry lets go!" I tell her. She flies out the door and i go too. Taking absolutely nothing with me. She landed on my fence and wouldn't move. "What are you doing? We have to get outa here!" I said to her.

She didn't move a muscle. I realised i should probably give her a name. Shes clearly more advanced and intelligent then other owls. I bet shes from London. I wanted to name her something simple and short. Tip. I chose the name Tip. Why not? Its short, i needed to think fast before mom sees us standing in the front yard.
"Ok Tip, lets go, Hurry!" I demanded, running away.

Tip followed me. I didn't know where i was running, i just ran, with Tip flying behind me. The sky was getting dark. I needed somewhere to sleep. I went to the комиссионный магазин to see Mrs. Petrov. Shes my friend. She'll help me, i know she will.

I let Tip stand on my arm as we walked into the комиссионный магазин.

"Hello! Mrs. Petrov?" I said, waiting for a response. I saw Mrs. Petrov walk around the corner. "Your back!" She said excitedly. She didn't even care that i had an owl on my arm in her store. Thats odd.
I sat Mrs. Petrov down and told her everything that happened today while she prepped me some tea. She didn't say a word until i was finished explaining everything. And what she did say. Shocked me to my core.

"I already knew that your a witch, dear." She said with a smile across her wrinkly face. My eyes widened. "I- how did you know?" I asked. She smirks.
"Because i'm a witch too, dear, i retired from Hogwarts so i came back home to sell some of my favourite artifacts from the castle. Hogwarts, a very beautiful place."

"I- i have so many questions-"

"Theres no time for questions, my dear. You must go to Hogwarts Mara." Mrs. Petrov interrupted.
"But how will i be able to get there in time? Londons on the other side of Europe." I replied. "I can help you there." She said.

Soon after the conversation, Mrs. Petrov took me and Tip to the back of the комиссионный магазин, and outside the building. The sky was black already. It was probably around 10:00 at night. Which means my birthday is ending soon. I completely forgot it was my birthday today.
Mrs. Petrov went inside her small black car and told me to hop in. I did as she said.

"There should be a cadge for the owl in the back seat." She added. I turned around and opened the door of the cage, and Tip flew in.

"Uhh, Mrs. Petrov, i don't think we can drive from Kazan Russia to London in one night." I said uncomfortably.
"Driving? Who said anything about driving." She replied, chuckling. She pulled a trigger and the car hovered off the ground for a few seconds. How is it doing this?
All of the sudden the car shot straight up into the night sky so fast that i felt my organs move. It then started driving straight in an extremely fast speed.

"Do all witches have flying cars?" I asked raising my voice. "A fair few." Mrs. Petrov yelled back. "Get some sleep Mara dear, its gonna be a long ride to platform nine and three quarters." She added. I fell asleep soon after.

Hours later, the light from the bright sun woke me up. Mrs. Petrov was still flying the car. I looked down and saw the car was right above the ocean but there was a massive island ahead of us. England. A smiled shot across my face

"We're here! We're finally here! I can't believe this!" I shouted in excitement. "We'll be there in about five minutes my dear, then ill have to let you go." Said Mrs. Petrov.

"Let me go? What am i gonna do then?" I asked.
"Well I'm gonna drop you and Tip off at the train station, then your going to have to find Harry Potter."

It caught my ears when she mentioned the name "Potter" that what my last name. but I didn't dare to ask who that was. I just kept quiet.

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