Ch-41 Death eater Central

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I had no idea where we were going or what we were doing after that. I stood there for a moment, watching the beautiful building of Hogwarts looking more lonely then ever, completely ignoring the burning building behind me.

I felt someone tug on my arm. It was Snape.

"Cmon, we must get going." He insisted. I followed him and the rest of the death eaters outside of the gates, which took about five minutes since we where all running fast enough. I noticed a small train waiting for us at the gate, but it wasn't the Hogwarts Express train. This one was black and brown and looked rather old.

The door of the train opened, and out came Lucius Malfoy. He laid his eyes on all of us for a moment before whispering in Bellatrix's ear:

"Is the girl armed?"
"Im not sure. We should tie her to the seat just in case." Bellatrix replied.

"You know i can hear you, right?" I scoffed, not giving a shit if i came across as rude or disrespectful.

But apparently thats how Lucius took it considering the dirty look he gave me after i spoke. He begun to slowly inch about a foot closer to me, putting his hand out like he was expecting me to hand him something.

"Give me your wand. Ms. Potter." He demanded. I gulped before responding, wanting to tell the truth.

"I don't have it. Draco disarmed me and it fell off the astronomy tower."

"You took Dumbledores wand after disarming him and now that he's dead the wand belongs to you, so hand it to me before i take it from you." Lucius explained.

How did he know that i disarmed Dumbledores wand? He wasn't even there.

"I didn't disarm Dumbledores wand." I lied, knowing theres not a chance Lucius will believe me but i had to say something.

"Draco, check her." Lucius ordered, lowering his hand.

Draco walked over to me rolling his eyes. He his hands into the huge pockets of my Slytherin robe, including the one that had the wand in it.

"She doesn't have it." Lied Draco.

I felt a wave of relief flow through my body. For a moment there i thought he was gonna snitch on me.

"Very well, Everyone get on the train. Bellatrix, take Mara and tie her wrists and ankles to her seat in the back." Demanded Lucius.

Bellatrix tightly grabbed my wrist and dragged me onto the train which smelt like smoke and burnt toast. I watched everyone take their seat meanwhile Bellatrix was escorting me to the back of the train. The part of the train that had its own room and a door. Basically like a prison cell but on a train.

"Sit here." She scolded, pushing me down onto the seat by the top of my head.

She pulled some rope out of her pocket and begun to tie them dramatically tight around my wrists and ankles, also attaching them to the seat so that I couldn't escape.

The rough texture of the rope rubbed against my skin causing it to bleed almost instantly.

"Could you Loosen them a bit?" I asked in a clearly annoyed tone.

The second those words escaped my mouth, Bellatrix whipped her hand against my face so hard i nearly fell out of my seat.

"So silly of you to think your gonna be getting any type of privilege whats so ever." She scoffed, moving her fingers up and down, Her hand red from slapping me so hard.

I could tell she felt offended when I didn't respond. She puffed up her chest and left the room, slamming the door on her way out. My cheek still stung from the slap.

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