Ch-18 Finally Some Goddam Answers.

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I hate the snow. I hate the snow so damn much. Im always almost dying in the winter. What is up with that?
Snow is a new fear I didn't know i had. From the trauma of last year when i got frost bite so bad that my bodies reaction was to make me pass out for two whole weeks. January really isn't the greatest.

A few minutes ago, the whole third year left to go to Hogsmade village except for Harry and i, who didn't have any parent signatures. I would have gotten Sirius to sign it. But thats just a dead give away.

Suddenly, my door opened by itself. As i went to go shut it i bumped into literally nothing. I put my arm out and felt an invisible blanket in the air. I see what this is. I ripped the cloak away to reveal Harry.

"What are you do-"
"Cmon, get under. The Hogsmade train leaves in ten minutes!" Harry interrupted. I got under the invisibility cloak and we ran in the cold as fast as we could to the train, and sat with Ron and Hermione.

"Cmon guys, you're going to get in trouble." Hermione complained.
"They have no reason to suspect us, it'll be fine." I confirmed.
"You guys are honestly brilliant!" Said Ron.

-At Hogsmade-

"Aren't you guys freezing?" Asked Hermione.
"Yup." Harry and i said in sync.

Hogsmade village sure was beautiful. Minus the snow. It was snowing so much that my anxiety had been acting up ever since we got here.

"Cmon, lets go somewhere we can take the cloak off." Harry insisted.

All of the sudden, the cloak got pulled off of Harry and i. We turned around to see Fred and George, standing next to Ron and Hermione with the cloak in their hands.

"Cmon guys give it back, Professor McGonagall's gonna see us." Complained Harry.

Hermione looked very uncomfortable around them. I know they still haven't told Ron about that so called Rumour, but they could if they wanted too.

"We knew you guys where here. Not so sneaky after all." Teased Fred.
"Exactly, thats why you need to give us the goddam cloak back." I demanded, trying to grab it.

The pulled it out of our reach.

"You see that building over there?" They mentioned, pointing at a brown building with snow covering the roof.

"They're talking about you two in there." Fred and George added.
"Who's they?" I asked.
"Professor McGonagall and a few other guys."

Harry and i looked at each other, knowing that we where both thinking the same thing.

"Harry, don't go in there. People talk about us all the time and we don't know what their saying, just leave it." I insisted.

"Fine, i'll do it by myself then." Said Harry, yanking the cloak out of George's hand, putting it on and walking away.

"He's going to get himself into trouble isn't he." Said Hermione.
"Im actually surprised, Mara didn't go with him. Shes the queen of trouble." Giggled Ron.
"Wow, Ronald. Thanks for that."

Ron, Hermione, and i sat down on a bench. It took Harry about ten minutes to come back out. We could tell he did because there where footprints in the snow but no one walking. It looked like he was running away from us as we followed him. Finally he sat down on a rock, took his cloak off, and started crying.

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