Ch-26 The second task

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I know this is probably my fault, but Cedric hasn't really spoken to me much since the Yule ball. All i really did was leave with out telling him. And its not like we're dating or anything. I just cant wait to go back to Sirius's after summer and talk to him about all the crazy shit thats been happening this year.

The second task is in an hour and I'm totally freaking out. Harry and i have been in the library looking for books about how to breathe under water all day.

"Wait- i think I found something." Blurted Harry.
"What, what is it?"
"Oh. Never mind, it only works in saltwater." Harry replied, disappointingly.

"Ugh, we're never gonna find anything. How did Cedric, Fleur, and Victor find they're answers so fast." I sighed.

"Hey guys, whatcha looking at?" Asked Neville, who spends most of his weekends in the library and herbology lab.

"Still trying to figure out what to do for the second task so we don't drown." Replied Harry.

I put the book i was holding down so that i could listen to what ever Neville was about to say.

"Your reading about plants? Thats quite interesting. Did you know that theres a type of cactus that can-"

"No offence Neville, but we really don't care about plants. Not unless theres some sort of magic vegetable we can eat to make us breathe under water for an hour then great." Harry interrupted.

"Well, I don't know about vegetables. But you can always use gillyweed!" Neville replied.

"Yeah, I read about that, but it only works with salt water apparently." I blurted.
"Actually, i read that, that was a myth." Harry corrected.

"Is it a myth, Neville?" I asked.
"Well, uhh- i'm not sure."

Harry sighed.

"Lets just do it. If it doesn't work then oh well." Harry suggested.
"You can do it. Im not taking my chances on something and risk drowning." I replied.

"Alright, good luck then. Neville lets go." Harry ended, walking off with Neville.

I sighed. Putting my head down on the table. If i don't find something soon i could die in this challenge.

"Mara, you okay?" Asked a familiar voice. I looked up to see Cedric standing beside me.
"Oh, uh, yeah. Just trying to figure out what to do for the water task." I replied.

"You don't have anything yet? Why don't you do what I'm doing." He offered. I guess he isn't mad at me anymore.

"Alright, what are you doing?"

"Im conjuring the Bubble-head charm. It makes a bubble appear around your head and allows you to breathe in all the oxygen in the bubble and cancel's out water." Cedric explained.

"That sounds great. How do you do it?" I asked.

"You just have to whisper the words 'bubble head' while your under water. It lasts long enough for the challenge."

"Alright, sounds good. Thank you."

"Yeah no problem." He replied, walking off.

"Wait, Cedric. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for leaving the ball without telling you that time." I brought up, so that I don't have to feel guilty anymore.

"Don't worry about it." He giggled, walking off again.

It felt really good to get that off my chest. To take up the rest of the hour, i went to my dorm to get changed into my bathing suit, before we all left for the docks.

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