Ch-13 Tom Marvolo Riddle

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I decided to leave school for Christmas break so i could spend more time with Sirius. He lives in the Muggle world, in between two apartment buildings theres some sort of inter-dimensional gap which has Sirius's family house. The house he grew up in. Very interesting place if you ask me.
He even made me a bedroom.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!"
Sirius came in.

"You ready to go back to school?" He asked.
"Yea. There's something I forgot to talk to you about though first."

I was thinking a lot about what Draco said. About what if the ministry found out about Sirius and think he escaped from Askaban even though they let him go.

"What if you get caught and people think you escaped from Askaban?" I asked.
"Well, that could possibly happen. We'd just have to explain to them."
"You sure that would work?"
"Well if it doesn't they can ask Askaban. They know they let me out."
"Alright, you ready now?"

That conversation felt good sense I've had that thought on my mind for so long.

I made it back to Hogwarts about three hours later. I went to the great hall to find Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I haven't talked to them in a while.
I most of the Gryffindors piled in a group. I assumed my friends where there. I joined the group to see Ron and Harry playing chess.

"Mara! There you are! Guess who's gonna win." Said Ron.
"Quite clearly your gonna win, you almost died playing chess last year."

"Don't encourage him, he's been bragging all day." Whispered Hermione.
"I think he deserves to brag just a bit." I laughed.

"Hi, Mara." Said Fred and George, in sync. I turned to them and saw that Fred was holding Scabbers. Wait- Fred is holding Scabbers!

"Fred, is that Scabbers?" I asked.
"Of course it is, why?"
"When did he return?"

Both Ron, and the twins looked at me confused.

"Mara, how did you know Scabbers went missing?" Ron asked.

Uh oh, what do i do. What do i say.

"Just had a feeling i guess."
"He came back yesterday. Ron got in big trouble by mom for losing him." Said Fred.

I quickly ran away from the scene. Peter Pettigrew got sent to Askaban, i saw it. I was there. He must have turned himself into a rat and slipped through the bars. Why didn't Askaban think of that? What am I supposed to do with him now? I cant take him from Ron but I can't just leave him to be free. He deserves to be in Askaban, he hurt me.

I ran into the Slytherin common room to tell Draco, sense he already knows, might as well update him. I walked in on him talking to Blaise on the couch.
Blaise looked at me terrified, like i had just murdered someone, Draco looked scared too. Oh no. He told Blaise didn't he. That little asshole.

"You told him." I scolded.
"Its ok i wont tell anyone i swear." Said Blaise.
"That's exactly what Draco told me! I specifically told you not to tell Blaise."

"He wont tell anyone. cmon, Mara its not a big deal." Draco argued.
"Its a big deal to me." I whined, sitting down with them.

"Mara, if anything it makes you ten times cooler, knowing you fought a bunch of grown men at the age of twelve." Said Blaise.

"Yea whatever, just promise you guys won't tell anyone else. I demanded.
"We promise." They said.

"Ok. So, as i came here to tell you. Peter Pettigrew is back. And he's in the great hall as we speak." I explained.
"What! Get him out!" Yelled Blaise.

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