Ch-17 Death sentance

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Its the fourth week of third year and the whole Sirius thing has been driving me insane. Sirius has been sighted all around Hogwarts and its all anyone is talking about. Dumbledore said that Sirius was in the school as well. Tried to get into the Gryffindor common room. Now everyones flipping their shit about it.
Draco, Blaise, and i are the only ones who know the full story. I keep thinking its about time i tell Harry, Ron, and Hermione. But i know Sirius would want me to wait.

After dinner at the great hall. I left for potions class, and sat next to Harry. Defence against the dark arts had easily become my new favourite class, because if Remus being the teacher. Im the only person in the school who's known Remus for three years already.

The door slammed open behind me. Thats weird. I turned around to see Professor Snape, walking in the class, with his long, black cloak, gliding behind him. He closed all the windows as he walked by.

"Turn to page 394." He demanded.

Harry and i exchanged confused looks at each other.

"Wheres Professor Lupin?" We both asked in sync.

"Professor Lupin is not able to teach at this time, therefore i will be substituting all of his late shifts. Now, turn to page 394." Snape explained, shuffling papers around.

"Whats professor Lupin doing at night?" Harry whispered to me.

Of course i knew the answer to that. Remus is a werewolf. Thats why he cant teach at night.
But obviously I couldn't say that so i just told Harry that I didn't know.

I took out my book and turned to page 394. Noticing that the topic was on werewolves. Uh oh. Thats not good. We're not even on werewolves yet. Snape's up to something, isn't he.

The whole class started mumbling to each other and complaining about starting a new topic even though we're right in the middle of one.

"Whats with the werewolves?" Harry asked me.
"Im not sure." I replied.

"Now, who can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf." Commended Snape, as he trailed along the classroom.

Hermione shot up her hand.

"No one? How disappointing." Snape scoffed.

"Please, sir. An Animagus is a wizard that elects to turning into an animal, A werewolf has no choice. When he turns, he no longer remembers who he is. he'd kill his best friend if he where to cross his path. Further more, the werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind." Hermione explained.

Malfoy howled like a werewolf after she said that last bit. I gave him a look which meant shut the fuck up.

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy. That is the second time you've spoken out of term, Ms. Granger. Are you capable of containing yourself, or do you insist on being an insufferable no it all?" Snape scoffed.

"He's got a point, you know." Ron Whispered, while leaning towards Harry and i.

"Five points from Gryffindor." Said Snape.

Malfoy smirked. I know how badly he wants to win this year. I could really care less about the points.

After class, i walked back to the Slytherin common room. I noticed that Malfoy was walked the opposite way, looked like he was leaving the school. This intrigued me. I walked over to Blaise.

"Blaise, do you know where Malfoy happens to be going?" I asked.

"Not sure. Every now and then he leaves and comes back about half an hour later. I don't really bother to ask about it." Blaise explained.

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