Ch-11 The man on the stage

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Sirius and I agreed that I would go to his place during the summer for now on. Eventually, Remus took me back to London at this place called 'Diagon Ally.'
Which apparently is the place that i was supposed to get my school supplies last year. Remus showed me where everything is and told me to go to the bookshop to see Harry Ron and Hermione. I was so excited. I missed my friends so much over the summer.

There where so many people everywhere, bumping into me, and staring at my scar. Ive gotten used to it.
Ahead of me i could barley see the back of Harrys head, talking to Hermione. I ran towards them.

"Mara!" Smiled Hermione, giving me a hug.
I talked with Hermione and Harry for a bit before we went inside the bookshop. When Ron spotted the three of us, he joined us.

"There you are, Mara. We where all wondering if you'd make it to Hogwarts in time." Grinned Ron.

"Yea, its been a busy day." I replied, avoiding the details.

Molly Weasley gave me a big hug when she saw me and she took the four of us in front of a stage with loads of people clapping.
Harry looked at me confused. I shrugged. I guess we're the only ones who don't have a clue whats going on.
Suddenly. A man with reddish- blonde hair, walked onto the stage. The crowd went wild, with cameras clicking, cheering, and clapping. It seemed like Ron, Harry and i where the only ones not clapping, even Hermione looked mesmerised.

The man was dressed in orange, he looked so full of himself. He said a few words that i did not care for.
Then he stared at Harry and i. Oh great. I knew exactly what was on his mind. Me and Harry both looked at each other, rolling our eyes.

"Good lord. Its the Potter twins." Said the man on the stage.
"Both of you, do come up here." He continued.

Harry and I didn't move.

Hermione nudged my arm.
"Cmon guys, just go for goodness sake." She whispered.

We both walked up on stage.

The man on the stage put an arm around each of us while the audience took pictures and cheered.

He handed Harry a stack of books before we ran off the stage. Molly grabbed the books from Harrys hand.

"Run along dear, ill go get these signed." She said.

"Uhh, that was weird." I laughed.
"I know right? I mean who was that guy even?" Asked Harry.
"That is Gilderoy Lockhart. Hermione Fancy's him." Teased Ron, appearing beside me.
Hermione rolled her eyes.

I saw Ginny, Fred, and George talking, so i went to go join them.

"Hey guys!" I greeted.
"Hi, Mara!" The three of them said in sync.

"How was your summer?" Fred asked. I didn't exactly know how to respond.
"It was... interesting."

I realized I've never actually had a conversation with Ginny before.
"You exited for first year, Ginny?" I asked, trying to get to know her.
"I definitely am, i hope i get into Gryffindor!" She replied sounding excited.

"Don't worry Gin, you'll get into Gryffindor since our family is." Said Fred and George.

That sentence kinda twisted my brain. I still don't know why Harry and i aren't in the same house.

Something behind me caught Fred and George's eyes.
"Oh no. Not Lucius." They whined.

I turned around to see Harry, Ron and Hermione, all looking pissed off. Talking to a tall man with, long blonde hair, dressed in all black. I walked into the scene with George, Fred, and Ginny behind me.

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