Ch-7 we did nothing to him

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Ever since December started, its been snowing tons. Dumbledore's been bewitching snow shovels to clear the passage ways. Ive been doing pretty good in all of my classes, especially defence against the dark arts sense i barley even have to do much work.
Yesterday was Christmas and sense most of the Slytherins where gone with their Families, i spent Christmas with Ron and Harry. Harry and i both got invisibility cloaks that where apparently our parents cloaks when they went to school.
So life's been pretty okay lately.

There is something kinda fishy though about Scabbers. He's been sneaking out of the school an awful lot recently. He also snuck into the Slytherin common room a few more times, he even found his way to my dorm once! Its mental.
I still haven't told anyone what Remus Lupin told me that one day in the forest. Im not sure if i ever will. He was a nice man, but i never ever want to see him again.

I heard the common room door open and a shit ton of footsteps. I figured all the Slytherins must be back from break. I ran down the stairs to see Draco and Blaise.

"Welcome back, Blondie." I giggled. Blaise laughed, he finds it so funny when Draco and i bully each other.

"I told you not to call me that." Draco snarled.
"And I didn't listen." I replied, while Blaise continued laughing.
"How was Christmas with the' Weaselbee'." Said Draco, trying to insult Ron like he always does.

I glared at him.
"Careful Dray, shes a Russian." Said Blaise.
"Yea, and a twelve year old witch who survived a literal killing curse from the most powerful wizard of all time." I added.

Draco rolled his eyes.

"Alright, id love to stay and argue with you guys but i should go back to dorm and finish my homework." I added, walking away.
Once i got to my dorm I noticed something was missing, but I couldn't quite put a finger on it. I looked at everything for a sec.
Wheres Tip? Shes gone! Where could she be? Did someone take her? Ill kill them, ill kill who ever took her.

Seconds later i saw her flying outside towards my window with a letter in her mouth, i quickly opened the window and let her in, she must have been freezing. I took the letter from her mouth and it read:

"Dear: Mara Potter.
I need your help. I think theres a way for you to meet your godfather. Come to the forest as soon as possible.
-Remus Lupin."

Thats really all he wrote? Thats crazy. No way i'm meeting him. Sure it would be cool to meet my godfather but i'm ok with my life right now. I don't need it to be screwed up again. After that i didn't want to stay in my dorm much longer.
I walked to the great hall and found everyone eating dinner. I sat down next to Blaise. Pansy glared at me.

"How come you barley eat?" She asked, i could tell she had bad intentions.
"I lose my appetite all the time." I replied, sounding pissed off. Draco and Blaise where listening in.

"No need to get all defensive, I'm your friend." Scoffed Pansy.

"You're no where near my friend and never will be, Parkinson." I snapped, slamming my drink down on the table.

Blaise gave me a high five. I know he doesn't like either.

After dinner, we had one more class, potions. I don't really know how i feel about potions considering i'm the only Slytherin Professor Snape hates. I walked there with Draco and Blaise.
I sat next to a window so i could see the snow. Draco sat next to me.

Professor Snape slammed the door open as he does every class. He started talking but i was distracted and playing with my wand.

"Ms. Potter i suggest you put that wand down before i snap it in two, thank you." Snape scoffed.

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