Ch-34 "Nice one James."

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The destination looked familiar. The air was cold and dark just like i had imagined. The room we landed in after traveling from flu powder, had tons of shelves everywhere. Each shelf was filled with crystal balls and other shiny objects.

"Mara, when did Harry and the others say they where gonna arrive?" Ginny asked, curiously.
"He didn't. He just said to meet us here." I replied.

We all had our wands on Lumous so that we could see. Though I couldn't see much, i could tell this was the room where i saw Arthur Weasley getting attacked. And I'm sure this is the room Harry saw Sirius, but where is he? And wheres Harry? Ginny, Luna, and Neville trust me as their leader right now. Which is strange considering the fact that i can barley even lead myself alone.

"Mara!" Said Harry's voice, coming from behind me.

I jolted backwards. The voice was so sudden, it genuinely scared me. Standing Next to Harry was Ron and Hermione, who looked just as scared as i did. Not Harry though. Harry looked like he knew exactly what he was doing.

"What did you guys do to Umbridge?" I asked, hoping to hear of her being in pain some how.

"We'll talk about her later. Right now we need to find the prophecy." Dismissed Harry.

For some reason i knew exactly what the prophecy was. And that Voldamort needs it. I just thought that we should focus more on Voldamort getting to us then to the prophecy. But I didn't feel like questioning Harry since he usually knows what he's doing.

"Shouldn't we all separate? That way we can find it faster." Luna offered, her voice was oddly calm compared to everyone else's. Sometimes i think its crazy how much hope she has.

"Okay. Mara, come with me." Harry agreed.

We all parted ways. I followed Harry who was walking so fast he might as well could be running. As we walked past bookshelf after bookshelf, Harry and i looked carefully for where said Prophecy might be. Even though I didn't really know what i was doing.

After having a furious look on his face, Harry stopped running. Then suddenly, everyone else met up with us, each person coming out of a different corner in sync.

"He should be here." Said Harry.

"Harry, whats going on?" I asked, sick of not knowing what do to.
"This is where Sirius was. Right where I'm standing." Harry dismissed, completely ignoring my question.

"Mara, Harry. Its got your name on it." Said Neville, looking up at a crystal ball.

I stood on my tippy toes to pick up the shiny blue ball. After studying it, I noticed Neville was right.

'Harry James Potter'
'Mara Lilly Potter'

The words where on it.

"Its the prophecy." I insisted, turning to Harry and tossing it to him.

Harry looked at the ball the way i did.

"Our names aren't on it." Said Harry, confused.
"What do you see?" I asked.

Harrys face changed as he looked at the ball closer. I stood next to him, to see the ball as well. Our names where gone. Instead there was a face.

"Either he survives or the twins survive." The ball chanted, in the familiar voice of Professor Trelawney.

"Uhh, guys." Said Hermione.

They where all facing the same direction, looking at something in the distance. Harry and i stood in front of everyone to see a person with the death eater mask.

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