Ch-32 Foolish girl

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The past few weeks have been great. Harry and i taught everyone so many defensive spells are charms. They've actually been getting pretty good. Even Draco and Blaise are taking the class.

"Alright everyone, since this was our last class until after the break i hope you all continue practicing on your own, and great job all of you." Said Harry, ending the class.

I would have stayed for a little longer to help clean up but I'm pretty sure Harry wanted a moment alone with Cho, so i left with everyone else.
Once i got into the Slytherin common room, I noticed everyone was packing up their things to leave for the holidays. Everyone except Draco. Was he staying for the holidays? He's never stayed, not once.

I walked over to him.

"Hey, are you staying?" I asked.
"Yeah." He replied.

"Because things are happening at the manor that I don't wanna be apart of. Why, do you have a problem with me staying, Potter?"

"No, its just that we're the only Slytherins staying." I mentioned.
"Well, best hope we don't burn the place down i guess." Be replaced.

"Draco, are you not leaving?" Asked Pansy.
"No, I'm staying."
"Why, so you can stay with your girlfriend?" Pansy scolded.

"Pansy, fuck off." I demanded.
"Whatever, I'll see you after the holidays." She mentioned, leaving us alone.

After Pansy left, i went up to my dorm, noticing the sky getting dark earlier since its winter.

I noticed Tip clawing her cadge with her feet, so i let her out. But suddenly, she flew straight out the window, down into the forest.
I quickly ran out of the Slytherin common room, and outside in the snow without a jacket or shoes on.

I got Déjà vu from when i did this to find Scabbers, but this time i cant track footprints.

I ran into the forest, calling Tips name. It was so cold i could feel my fingers and toes go numb.

The sky quickly turned black.

I decided to go back inside and hope that Tip flies back into my room eventually.

As i started walking out of the forest, i heard a strange loud noise bang against my ear drum. I stopped walking and put my hand over my ear. It sounded like someone whispering my name.

My vision went black. I wasn't unconscious i just couldn't see anything. Looking around to find light, i tripped and fell on the ground.
S My vision wasn't black anymore, but i didn't see the forest. It looked like i was in a room. A room I've never seen before.

There was a big snake reflecting off of the black tile walls. I then heard whispering again...

"He'll be back with something he didn't have last time." Chanting over and over in my ears. The room started to move.
Then it changed into another room. But there was a man standing in this room. A man I've seen before, holding a wand.

Its Arther Weasley.

He turned around to face me but didn't see me.

The room started flashing white light. And Arther was on the floor, he had wounds all over him, he was covered in blood.

Then my vision went back to normal. I got up and ran inside as quickly as i could.

I could barley breathe or walk, i felt like i was dying.

I noticed Professor McGonagall, walking around the corner, with Harry. She was helping Harry walk. Did the same thing happen to him?

"Help! Help me please!" I mumbled, barley even getting my voice to work.

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